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Cultivate relationships with

children, family, and the

ECE. 2

I utilize effective communication strategies

(oral, written, graphic, nonverbal)
I do this by asking open ended questions. Questions asked in a
way that allows children to respond in multiple ways instead of
just a simple yes or no. I also imitate or expand by repeating
what the child just said and adding information. I also use
commenting and labeling by naming and describing the toy they
are playing with or describing there actions. You can even
describe what you are doing in care giving routines this will help
them learn more communication strategies. It is also important
to follow the child's lead and be responsive. I also arrange the
environment so it can be an effective strategy by structuring the
physical environment to promote opportunities for the child to
communicate more frequently throughout the day.

I use knowledge of family and community

characteristics in developing respectful, reciprocal,
culturally responsive relationships
I am Culturally competent in my
childcare, by using a congruent set of
behaviors, attitudes, policies, structures,
and practices that come together in a
system, agency or among professionals
and enable that system and agency or
those professionals to work effectively in
cross-cultural situations. Cultural
competent organizations design and
implement services that are tailored or
matched to the unique needs of
individuals, children, families,
organizations and communities served.
In my childcare Cultural competence is
achieved by identifying and

I plan family involvement strategies to

enhance childrens development and learning
I have activities that I share with my
families by having them take home
activity kits or recipes for them to try
at home to help enhance there
development and learning. I also
invite parents to come to daycare for
the day for special activities we plan
or special days we celebrate.

I access community resources to support and

empower families
I use community resources to help my families by informing them about things like the birth to
five program, WIC, speech therapy and many other resources out there available to help
families. Children and their families often need support and services beyond those which early
childhood professionals can provide. I can help families learn about and use resources and
services available within the community. Pamphlets and referral information are collected for
reference by myself and made available to families. I also share information with community
resource personnel working with families to ensure high levels of continuity. I also form
partnerships with my families. I recognize that parents are key elements in childrens learning.
I increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and
academic growth of children. Just as the early years are crucial for childrens learning, they are
also critical in establishing parents patterns of involvement. If parents are not involved in their
childrens early school experiences, it is unlikely that they will become involved as their
children grow older. Family involvement in childrens learning benefits children, parents,
teachers, and program quality in many interrelated ways. These include child competence,
parent effectiveness, and program enrichment.

I model appropriate interpersonal skills with

children and families
As an individual, our beliefs are impacted by current and
past experiences, such as how you are regarded by your
supervisor or coworker and how you were treated in your
family of origin or in educational settings. Both positive
and negative experiences give shape and form to your
belief system. The early childhood profession clearly
desires to minimize negative influences and maximize
positive ones. Hence, guidelines for best practices clearly
articulate respect as the basis for appropriate interactions
with very young children and families. Respect must be
demonstrated in your behavior. More importantly, respect
for infants and toddlers must be something that emanates
from inside you. You have to believe that infants and
toddlers are worthy of your time and attention as
individuals, because a respectful relationship is vital to all
aspects of child development. As individuals and as a

I initiate and foster positive relationships with

children and adults
By doing activities with my children and involving parents I am able to foster
positive relations with the children and there parents. Parentental involvement is
key to there learning.

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