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By: Crystal Duong

Video Evidence
According, to the 100 people site they said that "there are
an estimated 600 million cars around the globe today."
Amory Lovins explains that "transportation can be potential
and convenient for people's lives, but it can be very
destructive. Also, that we need a new city with just walking
and biking." Which means less traffic and pollution for the
Erika DebenEdictis stated that "Humans need to realize
the effects of our transportation on our environment."
People take it for granted and doesn't know how fossil
fuels ruin our environment.

Our opinion & why we agree

My partner and I agree that transportation methods that uses fossil fuels are a big global
issue. The reason why is because gas pollutes the earth and makes the air dirty. Gas is
made of Carbon Dioxide, which is one of the main causes of global warming. It is a toxic
that can kill vegetation and animals, when its exposed or spilled. An extra fact is when
cars were made, the percentage of overweight people went up. Also, people got more
lazy and just rely on their cars. This is what we think and came across with.

Who agrees with us?

"Getting around with Fossil Fuels",
Agrees with us and stated how we can
prevent using fossil fuels. Transportations is not
about cars and trains we can use other methods.
One way, is to drive a car thats eco-friendly. An
example that would be even better is to forget
about the car, and walk or ride a bike instead. The
third big suggestion would be to switch to biobased fuel. NRC: Fossil Fuels bad for America
explains that "Burning fossil fuels is bad for your health
and bad for the economy, too, to the tune of, at a minimum,
$120 BILLION per year."

This is an important statistic because
New York State could end fossil fuel use
and generate all of its energy from wind,
water and solar power, according to
Mark Jacobson.

This Energy Perspective chart

shows that Fossil fuels dominates
U.S. energy consumption. Which
exemplifies that the U.S is using too
much of the fossil fuels, that are
really bad for our environment.

History Background
In the World history book it states "Industrial-age
travelers got to countries and continent either by
train or steamship. In the old days railroads became
a new and famous form of transportation." Also, "The
Automobile Age opens with a gasoline-powered
internal combustion engine." When that came to life
airplanes took flight and flies in the air." These forms
of transportation has a big impact on our society
today. In present day, we have upgraded and
created new cars to use and motorcycles. Although,
we are trying to come up with a new method of
transportation that won't pollute our earth. We have

Works Cited
100 people
According, to the 100 people site they said.......
There are an estimated 600 million cars around the globe today.
The u.s consumes over 20 million barrels of oil.
Its not just a technology issue its a cultural issue too -girl
It can be destructive but also potential/convenient for peoples lives-boy
MOdern tech will become sufficient with how we work - girl
over 80% of world trade is carried by the shipping industry
A new city with just walking and biking;less traffic
need to realize the effects of our transportation on our environment-girl
Girl- Erika Debenedictis Boy- Amory Lovins
Getting around without fossil fuels
1. Avoid the car and walk or bike.
2. Redesign our communities so that cars arent needed.
3. Switch to bio-based fuel.
4. Go with an all-electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle and use electricity from renewable sources.

Prentice Hall World History The Modern World TextbookEllis, Elisabeth Gaynor., and Anthony Esler.

Prentice Hall World History: The Modern World. Boston, MA: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. Print.
1. Industrial-age travelers moved rapidly between countries and continents by train or
steamship. (Pg. 171)
2. Railroads became a new preferred form of transportation. (Pg. 177)
3. The Automobile Age beams with a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine. Soon
airplanes take flight and flies in the sky. (Pg. 200)

Power the World

New York State could
end fossil fuel use and
generate all of its energy
from wind, water and
solar power, according
to Mark Jacobson.

America Burning fossil

fuels is bad for your
health and bad for the
economy, too, to the
tune of, at a minimum,
$120 BILLION per year.

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