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Jessica Nguyen
7 May 2015
Capricorn Constellation Research
History and Mythology
This report is going to be about the constellation, Capricornus. It is one of the zodiac
constellations. The zodiac sign of Capricorn is Capricorn. The word itself means goat horn in
Latin, and the sign symbolizes a fish and goat blend, or a Sea-goat. The constellation was first
paid attention to by the well known Greek astronomer, Ptolemy in the 2nd century.
There has been many different myths for this constellation, the most famous one being in
which the god of nature, Pan wanting to receive a place in the heavens; Joined alongside with
Zeus in a quarrel with the Titans. As he was escaping a monster by the name of Typhon, he
slipped into the Nile. But only half his body was plunged into the water, and as time grew on, the
half part of his body evolved into a fish. This popular myth was from the Greeks.
Another myth was based on Chronos, who was known to be the god of time created the
immortal, Pricus. Pricus also had to power to mess with time. He was the father of all the seagoats. Myth has it that the sea-goats became too drawn to the shore, and the more they went onto
the beach, the more they became just regular goats. Their fish tails became legs, they began to
lose their ability to think and speak, they were basically turning into the goats we see today.
Pricus, being very saddened of these happenings, decided to use his power with time; He turned
time back to when the sea-goats didnt get to the shore. But even after banning them from setting
foot onto the shore, they managed to get their way there. And they eventually became regular

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goats. Pricus finally came to the realization that he can not control the destiny of his children. So
he begged Chronos to let him die, as he cannot bear to be the only sea-goat left. Instead of killing
him, Chronos let him live out his immortality in the sky, as the constellation Capricorn.
Best Time to See It
It is located in the Southern hemisphere.The best time to see the constellation would be in
September, and thats anywhere. If you decide to look for it early in September, the best time is
10 pm, In mid - September, the best time to look for it is around 9 pm. If its coming to the end
of September, it is advised to look for it around 8 pm.

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