Course Outline ICT14

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ECE 6617 Information and Coding Theory

Credit Hours: 3 semester credit hours

Area of Specialization: IS/Information Security
Prerequisites: Probability Theory & Communication System Basics
Course Outline:
The course forms the basis for evaluation & analysis of modern
Information & Communications (wired/ wireless) Systems. Information theory
deals with representation of information for efficient storage & transmission.
It provides information measurement & quantification framework to
determine the limits on information compression & channel capacity. Coding
theory deals with the issues of protection of data while passing through
hostile environment. It deals with techniques (Error control codes) that add
enough redundancy in data to protect the information bits without
overloading the system. The course has been designed to strike a balance
between required mathematics & its application to information &
Communication systems.
Course Contents:
Overview of Digital Communication System & its relationship with the
contents of the course. Related Probability theory concepts: addition rule,
Conditional, Joint & Total probability, Bayes rule, Sum & average value.
Discrete Sources and Entropy: Information Entropy, Shannons Source
Coding Theorem, Huffman Coding, Lempel-Ziv Coding.
Channels and Channel Capacity: Discrete Memoryless Channel, Binary
Symmetric Channel, Shannons Channel Coding Theorem, Sources with
Memory and Markov Processes.
Constrained Channels, Data-translation Codes, (d,k) sequences, Runlength Limited Codes, DC-Free Codes
Channel Codes: Binary Fields and Vector Spaces, Linear Block Codes,
Generation & Testing, Decoder implementation, Error Rate, Performance
Bounds. Hamming Codes.
Cyclic Codes: polynomial representation, systematic cyclic codes,
Generation and Decoding. BCH Codes
Convolution Codes: structural properties, encoder representations, Viterbi
Decoder Algorithm, Hard vs soft-decision decoder, Trace-back Method,
Systematic & non systematic
Reed-Solomon code, Interleave & Concatenated codes, Turbo codes, Trellis
Coded Modulation (TCM)
Information Theory and Cryptography: Language Entropy & Ciphertext
Attacks, Perfect security, Diffusion & Confusion, Cipher Systems
performance quantification
Suggested Text
Applied Coding and Information Theory for Engineers by Richard B. Wells

Digital Communications: Fundamentals & Applications (2nd ed) by Sklar &

Information Theory, Coding & Cryptography (2nd Ed) by Ranjan Bose

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