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Deere, Taylor

A.P Lit./ Per. 3

Mrs. Little


I was intimidated by taking A.P courses my senior year, the year that I had to pass
English and History because it determines me graduating or not. I mean sure the extra
point on my GPA is awesome, and the chance of getting college credits is even better, but
the main reason I decided to step into these courses is because I wanted to take a course
with enough rigour to keep me on my toes. Yes I am guilty of the Pre-A.P route, and
taking regular my junior year, but trust me I have learned the hard way that ignorance is
not bliss. I am not trying to be arrogant but thoroughly express that the quality within
regular courses was much too low for me, I cant call classes that I maintained a 110%
year round without even having to lift my finger even remotely challenging. This
scenario may seem perfectly fine but I found myself practically dozing off in all my
classes like the students who never did their work out of laziness. So in conclusion A.P is
something I do pride myself in because it means Im not selling myself short in the long

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