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1. Sulphuric acid is a highly corrosive strong mineral acid with the
molecular formula H2SO4.

Sulphuric acid is a diprotic acid.

3. Sulphuric acid has a wide range of applications. It is also a central
substance in the chemical industry.
Uses of Sulphuric Acid
a) manufacturing fertiliser
b) manufacturing detergent
c) manufacturing pesticide
d) manufacturing synthetic fibre
e) as electrolyte in lead-acid accumulator
f) removing metal oxide
g) manufacturing paint

Manufacture of sulphuric acid


Sulphuric acid, H2SO4 is manufactured in industry through Contact Process.


The raw materials used are sulphur, air and water


The Contact process consists of three stages.

Stage 1: formation of sulphur dioxide

a) Molten sulphur is burnt in dry air to produce sulphur dioxide
b) The gas produced is then purified and cooled.
c) Sulphur dioxide can also be produced by burning metal sulphide
such as lead(II) sulphide or zinc sulphide in dry air.

Stage 2 : formation of sulphur trioxide

a) Sulphur dioxide is oxidised to sulphur trioxide via a reversible and
exothermic reaction.
2SO2 + O2
b) Optimum conditions used are as follow.
i) Temperature: 450-500 C

ii) Pressure: 2 3 atm

iii) Catalyst: Vanadium(V) oxide
c) About 97% conversion occurs under these conditions.

Stage 3: formation of sulphuric acid

a) Sulphur trioxide is dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid and react to
form oleum.
SO3 + H2SO4
b) Sulphur dioxide is not dissolved in water as the heat evolved vapourises
the sulphuric acid which is hard to collect.
c) The oleum is then diluted with water and react to produce concentrated
sulphuric acid,98% H2SO4
d) The oleum, H2S2O7 is then diluted with water to produce concentrated
sulphuric acid, H2SO4 in large quantities.

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