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Food Gardening - Spring Planting Schedule - Maryland - USDA Zone 7

From Calendula and Concrete (

Plant Start Seed Indoors Plant Outside Planting Notes Date first Notes for next year
Leeks February 15 March 15 - April 1 Harden off in March
(one week); hill up soil
around stem
Kale February 15 March 15 - April 1
Artichokes February 15 April 30 Protect from frosts
Peppers February 15 May 15 Pinch off blossoms
before planting

Tomatoes March 1 May 15 Cage at planting; add

lime/bone meal
Eggplant March 1 May 20 Growing temp should
not fall below 65
degrees; interplant with
catnip; heavy feeder

Fava beans March 1 Thin to 6 inches apart;

stake at planting
Peas March 1 Stake at planting
Salsify March 1 Plant around time
daffodils bloom or even
a week or two later

Parsley March 1 - April 1 Good companion with

Radishes March 1 As soon as soil can be
Swiss chard March 15 - May 15 When maples are in
Beets March 15 - June 1 Heavy feeder; space to
3 inches
Mizuna mustard March 15
Potatoes March 15 - May 15
Lettuce, leaf March 15 - May 1
Food Gardening - Spring Planting Schedule - Maryland - USDA Zone 7
From Calendula and Concrete (
Basil March 15 May 15 Plant by tomatoes and
Arugula March 15
Parsnips April 1 Not before daffodils
bloom; use fresh seed;
sow at least one every
inch; Soil must not dry
Carrots April 15 Good companion with
lettuce, peas
Sage April 15 May
Brussels sprouts April 15 June 1 Good companion with
Watermelon June 1
Beans, bush May 1 Succession plantings
every 3 weeks; don't
plant near garlic/onions
Beans, pole May 1
Squash, summer May 1
Squash, winter May 15 - June 15
Garlic July
Cool seaons crops August 1

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