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Total GPA: 2.

Attendance: days enrolled: 165, days attended: 155 (93.9%)

Over these past four years, I believed I worked hard, but not hard enough. I know
I am capable of so much more than just getting a 2.o GPA.
This four year transcript reflection does not clearly represent my capabilities
because I am capable of so much more. Instead of just making sure that I have at least
a C in a class, I shouldve pushed myself to make sure that grade was either a B or an
The grades Im personally proud of are my Child Development and Health and
Family Living grades from my senior year. Im most proud of those grades because I did
try my hardest and put in my full dedication to both of those classes. Ive held either a B
or an A in both classes, all year long.
The grades Im most disappointed about are most of my math grades. I tried
taking geometry but I didnt pass. My freshman year I took Algebra but I was to focused
on my friends and being new to the school that I thought my grade didnt matter.
My attendance has been poor my senior year because Ive either been sick, or
just couldnt deal with it. My other three years were pretty good though.
If I could retake any courses, I would retake my science classes and math
classes because now that I see the grades I have received I know that I can do so much
better than the ones before.

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