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NAME: Christina Garcia

A) Concept Explored: Confidence Intervals

B) Initial thoughts: My initial thoughts are I hate confidence
intervals because I encountered them on my certification
exam and I had no clue what they were since we hadnt gone
over this yet in class. So I automatically hated confidence
intervals. I cant exactly remember the question but I
thought 95% confident means just meant you were 95%
confident your results were right which is incorrect.
Confidence intervals are a possible range of values for the
population parameter.
C) Connection to past material: Yes we see familiar terms
like point estimate, standard error, and mean.
D) How I attempted to correct the concept: I asked a
classmate to describe this to me since I was absent the day
we went over confidence intervals and he explained,
Confidence intervals gives us two values where the average
population is in between. So on the question, Which of the
following is the correct interpretation of this confidence
interval? the answer would be b) college students on
average have been in between 2.7 and 3.7 exclusive
relationships. Also if we take a look at the formula we see
this definition:
point estimate 2 SE

E) Rate your level of confidence in your understanding of

the concept: 4= mostly confident

Final definition/description of concept: Confidence

interval gives us the probability that a characteristic is likely
to happen within a population for example people who text

while driving. We get this by multiplying the mean by 2

times the standard error.

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