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Danny Nguyen

Period 1

Priscilla and The Wimps: Part II

After the blizzard had ended, everybody came back to
school in the morning. However, when Pricilla entered the
building, she saw police forces along with dogs everywhere.
Her body then became cold and nervous immediately.
Priscilla was being stealthy and stalked the police
behind a wall. Priscilla became tired of watching the police
five minutes afterwards. She was about to walk away, but
before she took a step, she heard a locker opening. She
smelled a horrible stench. Priscilla peeked again at the
police; they had found Monk Klutters body. She whispered to
herself, Shoot! The dogs then found a scent of Priscilla on
Monks neck.
Priscilla quickly sprinted away from the scene. She
began to look for Melvin from hallway to hallway. When she
looked to the hallway on her left, Melvin was at his locker.
Melvin yelled with excitement, Priscilla, whats wrong? She
quickly replied, Ill explain later, follow me. Melvin obeyed
Priscilla and followed her out the building.
They found a police car sitting outside with the engine
still running. Priscilla took off in the car with Melvin in the
back seat. Melvin asked, Whats going on? Monk Klutter.
The police are after me. Priscilla replied while heading
towards the airport. On their way, Melvin had found rifles
under the car seat.
All of a sudden, they began to see armored vehicles
chasing them. Melvin yelled, Its the military! Step on the
gas! Priscilla stepped harder on the pedal and the engine
roared even louder. Theyre shooting at us! Melvin cried.
Priscilla ordered, Fire back at them to slow them down!
Melvin then picked up a rifle and fired back at the trucks.
They began to see airplanes departing in the sky.
Priscilla said with a smirk, Were almost here. Melvin
stopped firing the rifle. He said, We slowed the military

down, for now. We must act quickly before they come back.
Priscilla said, Lets go! Were here.
Priscilla opened the door and exited the police car.
Melvin grabbed two rifles from the car. Priscilla demanded,
Lets move Melvin! As they headed towards the terminal,
the armored vehicles parked right next to their police car.
Ten armed soldiers hopped out their vehicles.
Priscilla and Melvin began to head to a flight that said,
Russia. The military were still chasing them. Melvin began
to fire his rifle at the soldiers. Melvin, keep running!
Priscilla yelled. Right when she said that, Melvin was shot on
his right chest. Melvin said slowly, Just leave me and run. I
will bleed out anyways. Priscilla turned around and sprinted
inside the plane with tears dropping out her eyes.
There was only one soldier far behind from Priscilla. The
plane was empty. She headed towards the head of the plane
and sat on the pilot seat. Then, the soldier sprinted behind
her. She heard the soldiers footsteps and shot him down.
Priscilla began to turn on the planes engines; she set
the planes controls. She then took off to Russia with tears
spilling out of her eyes. That day, Priscilla became Americas
most wanted criminal.

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