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By: Crystal Duong

Dog (Canis Lupus)

The origin of a dog began with the Grey wolf ten thousand years ago.
The process of crossbreeding, to make new type of breeds is still
continued today.
Collie: Scotland
Collies are hard working dogs and are used for herding livestocks.
They are medium size dogs, that look like foxes.
Golden Retriever: Scotland
Retrievers are very loyal and are famous family pets.
They are medium size dogs and have a shade of gold or cream color coat.
German Shepherd: Germany
German Shepherds are large size dogs. They have a double coat
and their intelligence is really high.

Cat (Felis Catus)

Cats have came upon 4,000 years ago. They are natural hunters, able
to attack preys, and pounce with sharp claws and teeths.
Persian: Persia
Persians are long-haired and has a round face.
They are described as a quiet cat and adapts well to apartment life.
Asian Semi-Longhair (Tiffanie): Great Britain
They are a rare breed and currently not in the U.S. Tiffanies are really
attached to their owners and get jealous very easily.
Japanese Bobtail: Japan
Japanese Bobtails has tails that resembles a rabbit.
They are frequently appeared in traditional folktales and art.

The Sunflower (Helianthus annus)

Origin: America
Description: They have a large circular flowering head, they are rough and hairy
stemmed. What is usually called the "flower" on a mature sunflower is actually a
"flower head" of numerous florets (small flowers) crowded together.

Autumn Beauty
Origin: Unknown
Description: Branch with multiple flowers in
autumn colors of oranges and reds.

Ring of fire
Origin: America
Description: Dwarf plants, under 3ft. tall. They
are medium yellow flowers with a circle/ring
around the center.

Sunbright supreme
Origin: America
Description: About 3 ft. tall , have
smaller centers.

Bezoar (Capra aegagrus aegagrus)

Origin: Middle east
Description: Their coat color is grey to brown often with a red tint. Both sexes have dark
brown or black stripes on the face, legs and spine. Females have short horns while males
have long horns and a beard.

Boer goat
Origin: South Africa
Description: They are used for meat production,
many colors. Adapt well to hot/dry climate.
Pygmy goat
Origin: Africa
Description: have straight , medium- long hair,
also called dwarf goat. They are very popular in

Angora goat
Origin: Asia
Description: Dates back to early biblical
history. They were very important because
of the use of Mohair. They are very delicate.

The Strawberry Plant

Origin : Europe
Description: Member of the rose family, plant produces red fruit from tiny white
Alba strawberry
Origin: Italy
Description: resistant to root diseases

San Andreas
origin: California
description: produced from the albion and portola

Wild Strawberry
origin: northern hemisphere
description: also known as the woodland, fraises des bois
and the alpine

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