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Fatima Poggi

This years Oscar winner for best-animated film was Big Hero 6. I
personally loved the movie, and this is why I will be focusing this paper on Hiros
journey. Hiro is a 14-year-old science prodigy who pulls together a team of
nerds to bring down the evil man who killed his brother Tadashi.
Hiros ordinary world is presented when he is sitting in a dark alley bot
fighting. He loses his first battle, but in the second battle he destroys the other
guys machine. He becomes endangered when his opponent becomes violent, but
his older brother Tadashi rescues him. They are caught by the police and put into
jail. Their aunt has to bail them out and is upset.
Tadashi has a talk with Hiro telling his that he is wasting his life bot
fighting when he could be perfecting his craft. Tadashi then takes Hiro to his
college and this is when Hiros call to adventure takes place. Hiro enters the lab
and is astonished by all the cool inventions his brothers friends are making.
Tadashi shows him his own invention, Baymax, a robot that is a healthcare
companion. Baymax has the ability to scan people for symptoms and is
programmed with over 10,000 medical procedures. He cant deactivate his
services until you say, I am satisfied with my care. Hiro is so impressed that he
immediately wants to enroll in nerd school. But his brother tells him that first he
has to come up with an invention that will blow Professor Callahan away.
Hiro invents thousands of tiny bots that he can control with his thoughts. At
the Student Showcase, Hiros bots amazes everyone. This is where the meeting
with the mentor happens. A tech CEO tries to buy Hiros invention, but Callahan

Fatima Poggi

advises Hiro not to sell it. Hiro listens to his mentor and refuses to make the deal.
This is when Callahan welcomes Hiro to join nerd school. Even though Callahan
turns out to be the villain at the end, at this moment he is the person that inspires
Hiro to become a better tech wiz and because of Callahan, Hiro decides to go to
nerd school.
At the end of the showcase, theres an explosion. Tadashi believes that the
professor is still in the building and when he rushes in to save him, he is killed.
Hiro is devastated and depressed. He throws his school registration and materials
away and decides to not go to nerd school. This is his refusal of the call.
While in his room, Hiro hurts himself and accidentally inflates Baymax. He
tries his hardest to put him away but is unsuccessful. While this is happening, Hiro
finds one of the bots that wasnt destroyed in the explosion. It starts to move
around as if it were trying to find other bots. In an effort to make Hiro feel better,
Baymax rushes out to find the other bots. Hiro chases after him and Baymax leads
Hiro to a warehouse. They climb inside and Hiro discovers tiny bots, just like the
ones he created, being manufactured. When Hiro discovers that someone is
making more bots, a guy in a mask attacks him. After the attack, Hiro discovers
that the explosion wasnt an accident. The guy in the mask is responsible for
Tadashis death. Hiro decides to catch him and he updates Baymaxs programming
so that he can fight. Thats is when he crosses the threshold and begins his journey
with Baymax.
The part where the test allies and enemies appear is when Baymax is

Fatima Poggi

updated, and Hiro and Baymax go back to the warehouse. When the bots attack
them again, Tadashis friends show up and try to help him. The guy in the mask
chases them through the city. After they escape, Hiro assumes that the bad guy in
the mask is Krei, the tech CEO. All five of the nerds decide to be superheroes to
fight Krei. They each develop amazing fighting skills using their own special
talent. They all set off to find Krei.
They approach the inmost cave when Baymax finds the villain on an island.
The six friends break into the building and discover that Krei shot an astronaut
named Abigail into space, and she died. Suddenly the villain shows up in his
mask. The nerds attack him but are unsuccessful in removing the mask. Then,
Baymax attacks him and the mask comes off. The villain ends up being professor
Callaghan. He didnt die in the explosion. He built the bots and is responsible for
Tadashis death.
The ordeal happens when Hiro is possessed by anger and decides to avenge
his brothers death by using Baymax to kill Callaghan. Hiro throws out Tadashis
smiley face chip so that he is able to kill. Baymax chases Callahan and attacks
everyone. The nerds put Tadashis smiley face chip back into Baymax to stop him.
Hiros friends say they dont want to destroy Callaghan, they just want to catch
him. Hiro is upset and takes off with Baymax leaving his friends behind. He starts
to permanently take out Tadashis chip, but accidentally activates a video that
shows his brothers efforts to create a healer not a killer.

Fatima Poggi

Hiro seizes the sword when his friends show up after watching the video of
Tadashi. Hiro apologizes to his friends and tells them that he does want to catch
Callaghan, but he wants to do it the right way.
During the road back, Hiro and his friends discover the reason why
Callaghan turned into a bad guy and wants to take revenge on Krei. They discover
that the astronaut who was killed in the experiment was Callaghans daughter. The
team of heros show up at the event where Callaghan was planning to kill Krei.
There is a huge fight where the heroes are endangered when the portal that killed
the astronaut is opened. When our heroes seem to be trapped, Hiro comes up with
a plan to defeat Callaghan by making the bots get sucked up into the portal.
The resurrection stage happens when Baymax detects signs of life in the
portal. They figure out it is Abigail (Callaghans daughter). Shes still alive. Hiro
and Baymax go into the portal to save her. They rescue Abigail, but the only way
to get Hiro and Abigail back to earth is for Baymax to sacrifice himself and stay
behind. Hiro decides to say goodbye to Baymax, and Baymax pulls the thruster,
which pushes Hiro and Abigail back through the portal.
At the end of the movie, during the return with the elixir stage, an
ambulance takes Abigail to the hospital. Callahan is arrested. Hiro and his friends
are back at nerd school. Hiro finds the chip that Tadashi created and creates a new
Baymax. At the very end, we see the team of heroes taking action to keep the city
they live in a safe place.

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