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The call to adventure in Fatal Attraction is when Dan cheats on

his wife with Alex. The one who delivers the call would be Alex
when she starts stalking him by calling and sending messages
2. One of the most important calls to adventures Ive had was when
I received a magazine from AMDA. It intrigued me because I had
been looking for the right college for me to go to, and when I
received it, I knew I wanted to audition and get in to that school.
I wanted to move to LA to start a new life.
3. I dont think any good story can exist without a call to adventure
because the character needs a goal to pursue and something to
work towards in order to make the story worth reading or
4. I dont think the call to adventure need to be exactly in the very
beginning, I definitely dont think it should drag either because
the character needs something to work towards.
5. I think the call to adventure needs to be presented in the first 2030 minutes. No later than that.
6. The call to adventure can be anything. It can be a letter, a song,
a conversation, a discovery of something new in your life, a past
love who has come back, a new love, etc. It can be anything that
will start a new chapter in the characters life.
7. Every single character needs a call to adventure not just one
because not every character can be working towards the same
goal, it wouldnt be realistic. Everybody has different goals,
therefore everybody has different call to adventure.

1. In Pretty Woman the refusal of the call would be when Vivian

doesnt let Edward kiss her on the mouth. I think this is
necessary because when they finally kiss, it has a bigger
2. In my story the character is afraid of leaving everything behind
and starting from scratch. Moving to a new country by herself in
an unknown world. However, she overcomes those fears because
she is strong and determined.
3. They refused the call to adventure by dragging the trip and
ignoring the signs that she should start fresh in a new place.
4. Yes, the antagonists are made very clear to the audience
because theyre the one keeping the character from achieving
her goal.
5. I have no refused any calls to adventure that I can think of, it has
taken me a while to accept them because its always scary to
start a new chapter in our lives.
6. I dont regret any of the decisions Ive made in my life because
whether they were good or bad, they have led me to where I am

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