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St Peters

Church of England Primary School

Whats been happening in school this
week? Newsletter 14th May
New governors
We are delighted to announce the appointment of three new
governors to the school.
Claire Perry has been elected as a Local Authority Governor. As
well as being a parent, Claire has a law background
and is currently a successful entrepreneur, business coach and
published author.
Ian Crook has been elected as your Parent Governor. Ian has
a 26 year background in Financial Services, Banking and Wealth
Management. He is a great supporter and sponsor of our local
community and an avid sportsman.
Gill Harris has been elected as a Foundation Governor. Gill is a
former teacher and has a wide range of experience with
children. She has recently moved to the area, and has already
served as a governor in her previous setting. She has a passion
for reading and the library.
These governors will complement our team really well, so we are
very pleased to get them all on board.

Ashley and Henry for outstanding Numeracy.

Annie is our Star of the Week,

she has been putting in extra
work with her learning. Annie is
a great role model and friend in
class. Awesome!

Year 6 - Stars of the week

It was Year 6 Star of the Week - the Friday before SATS week - I
could not single anyone out - instead the whole of Year 6 came to
the front and I talked about how proud I have been of their
determination, resilience and pursuit of excellence.

Beer and Skittles

A huge thank you to Tom, Rach, Harry and the Jens for organising a
wonderful Beer and Skittle evening. It was a really fun evening of
games. I'd hate to say who won the Skittles, but the 'boos' were
drowned out in a spray of champagne......
We also raised 320 for the SPSA, so thanks to everyone who
donated to the raffle, played the games and helped out. I have a
feeling we'll be doing another one!!
If anyone could help with changing R/Y1 reading books in the
morning, we could do with a few more volunteers please! It takes
around 15 minutes after you have dropped off, but helps to
ensure we can get all of the children's books changed. We are
looking for help for any day of the week.

No smoking
Just a polite reminder that there is no smoking on our school
premises (this includes e-cigarettes).

Beetle Drive
Beau and Evie for spellings. Beau has 10/10 for 9
weeks and Evie has 10/10 for 11 weeks.

Saturday 30th May 5pm, at Budleigh Public Hall.

Gather your family and friends, young and old alike for a fun night
of 'Beetle'. This entertaining party game never fails to amuse and
engross all who play. 2.50 per ticket (under 5's go free) this
includes entry and your Beetle Team Sheet, food will be available
to purchase on the night. Tickets available in advance from St.
Peter's, Otterton and Drakes. Instructions on how to play will be
made available on the night (and don't worry, it's super easy).

Celebration Blog
Please visit our celebration blog on our website; there are so many
more amazing events happening in school that we cant fit them all
into our newsletter.
Volcanoes home learning.
Wonderful writing
Huge award catch up

In school next week

Whats going on soon?

Sports Day

Please keep checking this

section for upcoming dates
and events.

Our Sports Day will take place for all Key Stage 2 pupils on the morning of Tuesday 19th May. Your child will be
representing their House in a series of races and a carousel of Sportshall Athletics/Quad Kids Athletics events.
At approximately 11:10, pupils in Foundation 1 (Nursery) will also take part in a special Sports Day Event.

Next Messy Church at

St Peters Hall:
Thursday 21st May

Our Sports Day will take place for all Foundation 2 (Reception) and Key Stage 1 pupils on the afternoon of Tuesday
19th May. Your child will be representing their House in a series of races and a carousel of multi-skills activities.
Your child will need to arrive in school wearing their PE kit, including their green PE t-shirt, dark/black shorts and
trainers. In addition, they will need a hat to protect their head and neck from the sun and a full water bottle. In the
event of sunny/hot weather, we strongly recommend that parents apply a high factor and long lasting sun cream on
their children before they arrive in school. In the event of cooler weather, pupils will need some warmer clothing
(including their school jumper).
Your child will need to bring their inhaler (even if they have not used it recently) to school.
Your child will not need their school uniform on Tuesday 19th May, with the exception of their school jumper.
By taking part in events, your child will earn points for their House.
The overall winning House in Foundation 2/KS1, the overall winning House in KS2 and the overall winning House in the
whole school will be announced in school on Wednesday 20th May (the maths can be complicated).
The Spirit of the Games values of Honesty, Respect, Determination, Teamwork, Self-Belief and Passion will be
celebrated on Sports Day. Houses in each year group will be awarded points for demonstrating these values during
Sports Day. A trophy will be awarded to the House which most consistently demonstrates each of these values.
Spectators and Photographs
You are very welcome to come to watch Sports Day and we will put chairs/benches on the school field. I recommend
that you bring a 'picnic' rug in case we run out of chairs/benches. Due to the quick turn around between all events we
will be asking children to stay with their Sport Day groups otherwise they may miss part of the Sports Day event.

Members of staff will be taking photographs of pupils who have provided photographic consent and these
photographs will be uploaded onto the school website. Parents may take a photograph of their own child,
but must not include any other pupils within the image.
You are welcome to eat your lunch on the school field with your child. However, during the lunch break
we will be setting up the afternoon events. Once your child has eaten their lunch they will be asked to
play on the playground rather than the field.
Please follow us on Twitter @BudleighStP for the latest information.
Mr Lee
Key Stage 2 Leader
Physical Education Co-ordinator

Next Family Service at

St Peters Church:
Sunday 10th May at 10.0am
Celebrate Together


Tuesday 19th - Sports Day
Thursday 21stSchool
Thursday 21stYear 5
perform at the Exmouth
Festival 4.00pm 6.0pm
Friday 22nd - Year 6
singing at the Devon
County Show
Friday 22nd - KS1 Gallery
Exhibition in the School
Hall 2.40pm3.25pm
May 25th - Half Term

Monday 1st

- Start of

Thursday 4th - Year 6

visit to Clinton Devon
Monday 8thYear 6 visit
to ECC Library
Saturday 27th - SPSA
Summer Fayre

SPSA Meeting
Another productive evening was had at the SPSA Meeting last Thursday. Thank you to all those who
attended. Please e-mail if you would like to be added to the mailing list and
receive the minutes.

Saturday 23rd May - opening of the fete and gala week

Join us with the rest of the Budleigh Community for the opening of Gala week. You will find us amongst
the bouncy castle, hook a duck, face painting, cake sale and more. The crowning of the Gala Queen and
princesses will be at 2p.m.

Contact details
Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton,
Devon, EX9 6QF.
01395 443167

Headteacher: Steve Hitchcock

More News
We'd just like to clarify some of the arrangements for swimming clubs.
Unless a child is in year 5 and 6 you can not leave them unsupervised for any of the swims.
If your child is in year 4 we can consider this in agreement with the Headteacher.
The lifeguards are never in charge of your children whilst swimming at the pool. They are there to ensure
they are safe whilst in it. If you have a child in year 5 and 6 and they are not mature enough to look after
themselves out and around the pool, then they must be supervised.
Monday - lessons after school.
Wednesday - junior lifeguards at lunchtime.
Thursday - fun swim - parents needed if not in year 5 or 6. Friday - lessons after school.

Whats going on soon?

June cont..
Monday 8thYear 6 visit
to ECC Library
Friday 19thYear 6 RNLI
Hit The Surf
Monday 29thYear 6 Life
Skills at the Donkey
Saturday 27th - SPSA
Summer Fayre



Gala week swimming:

Thursday 2ndYear 5
Beach Day

Intensive lessons 9-9:30 and 9:30-10am.

Fun Swims - 10:30am-12pm Tuesday 26th May - Friday 29th May.

Whole school cake request!

Please could you bake us a cake? for us to then sell at the fete on the green on Saturday 23rd May. Cakes
can be either brought into school the day before on the Friday and handed into the bandstand or taken
down to the green on the Saturday (we will be setting up from on 10). Thank you.

Friday 3rd Year 6 Beach

Wednesday 8th
Exmouth College
Transition Day
Saturday 18th - Barn
Dance, Public Hall
Thursday 16th - KS2
Celebration , School Hall
Wednesday 22nd
Leavers Service
Thursday 23rd JulyLast
day of term

Thursday 3rdAutumn
Term begins

The Lions ClubGala Week.

During the Lions Gala Week the Chamber of Commerce have organised a Fun Run on Sunday May 31 st at
the Lime Kiln carpark 11.30am-1.30pm.
It would be great to have children from your school participating in this popular event. Adults are
welcome to accompany their young children, or indeed, as individual entries , the cost for a child is just
1.00 & 2.00 for adults.
Contact details
A starting station is set up to take name, age & payment. The starters whistle is set by Daniel Neaves,
ladies hairdresser of High Street, who is sponsoring the event.
We start the 1 mile race at 12 noon & go up the hill, over to the Gentlemans Club & back along the
seafront to the car park where a medal is given to each athlete. Water will be available.
Winning trophies are then presented to the first 3 home in each age range ( 0 - 50+ ).
Marshals are along the course to ensure safety & a doctor from our local surgery will be in attendance.
All proceeds from the event go toward the Christmas lights appeal.
Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton,
Devon, EX9 6QF.
01395 443167

Headteacher: Steve Hitchcock

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