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Religions of America


Daryl Hunter

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons, was started in New York
in 1830 by Joseph Smith. Joseph established his credibility by telling of the two visions that
he had establishing the Mormon religion and by supposedly translating the book of Mormon
from gold plates that were shown to him in his second vision. He taught his followers that
Mormons are the restoration of true Christianity. There are now about 15 million baptized
members or which 45%--50% are in the United States. 30% are active members, and there are
over 84,000 missionaries. This paper will review the Mormons doctrine of God and refute that
There are four beliefs in the Mormons doctrine of God. They believe that: God the
Father has a body of flesh and bone like we do, God evolved from mortal man, there are millions
of gods (Polytheism), and that every Mormon will become a god themselves. Lets take a deeper
look into these beliefs.
Belief #1 - God the Father has a body of flesh and bone like we do. This belief is taught in
Section 130:22 of Doctrine and Covenants, one of their four sacred books. They used to teach
that Adam was God, which if true wouldve meant God did have a physical body. Though they
no longer teach that was God, they still teach that God has a physical body.
1. John 4:24 - God is Spirit. This verse directly states that God is Spirit. This should make
it impossible for Mormons to argue that God has a body.
2. Luke 24:37-39 A spirit does not have flesh and bones. Here the disciples saw Jesus
walking on the Sea of Galilee and thought that He was a spirit. Jesus called out to them
and told them not to be afraid. He told them that a spirit couldnt have a physical body as

Religions of America


Daryl Hunter

he did. This lines up with John 4:24. Jesus had a physical body, but He wasnt a spirit.
Just as God is a Spirit, but he doesnt have a physical body. It is impossible.
3. Matthew 16:15-17 The Father does not have flesh and blood. Verse 17 says, And Jesus
answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath
not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. Here Jesus himself says that
a physical bodied person didnt reveal who Jesus was to Peter. He said that God revealed
the answer to Peter. The question is if God answered Peter without a physical body
according to Jesus then what does God have to be? God has to be a spirit, and Scripture
teaches us that a spirit cant have a physical body.
Belief #2 God evolved from mortal man. Joseph Smith said this, God was once as we are
now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heaven, I say, if you were to see him
today, you would see him like a man in formlike yourselves in all the person, image, and very
form of a man. I am going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed
that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, that you may
1. Mormon 9:10 says this, And now, if ye have imagined up unto yourselves a god who
doth vary, and in whom there is shadow of changing, then have ye imagined up unto
yourselves a god who is not a God of miracles. Though this is not true Scripture even
this verse from the Book of Mormon refutes this belief. The Mormons believe that God
is a God of miracles, and this verse says that if you believe in a god that changes then it
cant be a God of miracles. They teach that God evolved from man into a god. This
conflicts with Mormon 9:10. By this teaching they are making the verse void.

Religions of America


Daryl Hunter

2. Malachi 3:6 God doesnt change. In this aspect Mormon 9:10 got it right, that God
cant change. Since God doesnt change that means its impossible for God to have
evolved from man.
3. Psalm 90:2 God is everlasting. Man isnt everlasting. Man had a starting point. If God
evolved from man He wouldve had a starting point, but since Hes God Hes always
4. Numbers 23:19 Not man nor the son of man. The Mormons teach that God was born
to human parents as the rest of us were before He evolved into the God that we worship.
However, this Scripture refutes that He wasnt born by human parents. This means that
He couldnt have been human Himself.
Belief #3 Polytheism belief in millions of gods. Joseph Smith taught that there was a council
of gods that came together and decided to create the world and humans. The Mormons also
teach that all of us originally lived as gods with Elohim before we crossed the veil and were born
as humans here on earth.
1. Isaiah 44:6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts;
I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. This verse clearly states
that God is the first and the last as well as He is the only God. This leaves no room for
argument that there can be any other God besides Him. This also affirms the refutation
that God evolved from man by showing that God is eternal and that he couldnt have
come from human parents.
2. Isaiah 44:8; 45:18,22 He is the only God. These Scriptures also show how there is only
one God. God is the first God, the only God, and He is the Last God.

Religions of America


Daryl Hunter

Belief #4 Every Mormon believes that they will become a god and are thus striving to get to
godhood. They believe that they started as gods, are going through a time of trial here on earth
as human beings to see if they are worthy, and will become gods again if they obey the Mormon
1. Isaiah 43:10b Before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
This first refutes the idea that God is another god in a line of gods. This also refutes the
idea that we all were at one time gods and will again be Gods if we are Mormons. This
absolutely refutes this believe.
2. Isaiah 44:6b I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. This
also shows that God is the only God and there will never be any other gods. What the
Mormons are striving for is in vain.
As can be seen Scripture refutes all of these beliefs that make up the Mormons doctrine of
God, but even they made all of these beliefs void. One of their prophets, Brigham Young, said
this of Adam, He is our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do. The
Mormons believed this to be true for 40 years. However, they no longer believe this to be true.
They changed this core doctrine. Thus, if they will change their doctrines that makes their
doctrine of God, as well as their other doctrines, void.
We must be able to witness to Mormons. There are different ways that we should witness
to them. We must first show them Gods love for us. We need to show them that we care for
them and thus be showing them Gods love as well. We have to show them that we dont think
that they are inferior human beings, but at the same time we must show them the truth.

Religions of America


Daryl Hunter

After we show them Gods love we must witness to them through Scripture. We have to
show them the truth that God teaches through Scripture and how it goes against what the
Mormon religion is teaching. We must also show them how Mormonism contradicts itself.
Finally, we have to show them how Satan is acting as a spirit of light to deceive them. God
created and loves everyone. It is our duty to witness and show Gods truth to the Mormons.

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