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Atestat lb.

Engleza Cerinte

Research paper requirements

Page margins: left 3 centimetres, Right, Top and Bottom 2.5 centimetres
Length: 9-12 pages
Pictures: embedded in the text area, captions TNR 10
Numbering: bottom right, TNR 10
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: Text 12; Headings (chapter titles) 16, Bold; Subheadings
(subchapter titles) 14, Bold
Alignment: justified
Paragraph indenting: 1.27 centimetres (that is, Tab pressed once)
Table of contents: generated table of contents, page 2
First page: Front page Lucrare de atestat
Second page: Research paper title
Third page: Table of contents (page number: 2)
The first part is: Introduction
Chapter I. The title you wish
Last chapter: Conclusion (and not Conclusions!!!)
Last chapter is followed by the Bibliography/ or References, authors arranged
One blank line between the title of the chapter/ subchapter and the
Morales, L. (1987). The history of Cuba. New York: Franklin Watts.
Book Chapter
Tizol, W.P. (1976). Brain function and memory. In J.M.O. Corney & H.L. Center
(Eds.), An inside look at what we think we know. (pp. 154-184). Springfield, IL:
American Psychiatric Press.
Journal Article

Bauz, R.H. (1982). Manitoba nematodes. Journal of Cool Nematodes, 10, 252264.
Magazine Article
Pozo, E. R. (2008, November 19). The way she loved me. Personal Literature,
290, 1113-1120.
Encyclopedia Article
Parker, S.A. (1947). Fetal development. In International encyclopedia of
pregnancy (Vol. 7, pp. 202-207). New York: Aesculapius Publishers.
Newspaper Article
Oakley, V 2003, 'The tragic trade', Australian, 15 November, p. 29.
Electronic Journal Article From a Database
Tjader, J.W., Coltrane, J.A., & Taylor, A.A. (1995). A history of mockery.
American Psychologist, 50, 750-765. Retrieved from PsycINFO database.
Electronic Journal Article (print version)
Rodriguez, G., Puente, S., & Mayfield , J. (2001). Role of upbringing in family
attitudes. [Electronic version]. Journal of Family Research, 5, 117-123.
Web sites
Websites will appear with the title, the date accessed and the address: Passenger homepage, viewed February 19, 2010, from
If you downloaded a document from a website, then instead of viewed
February 19, 2010, from... say retrieved on February 19, 2010, from...
No underline for the website address!!! NO OTHER FONT COLOUR BUT BLACK

Each chapter starts on a new


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