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Monday, January 27, 2014

6:00-7:00 p.m.
WSHA Board Meeting
1. Roll Call in attendance- Justin Smith, Sue Torney, Christiane
Dechert, Lynda Coyle, Kathy Ross, Lindsey Curran, Ryan OConner,
Janelle Smith, Donna Shippen, Amy, Chris Victor, Laura Nickerson,
Diana Seabeck, Kelsey
2. Agenda additions or deletions - none
3. Minutes and Secretarys Report: Janelle Smith- it was motioned by
Justin and 2nd by Ryan to approve all secretary minutes prior to the
Nov 3rd, 2013 meeting. It was voted on by the board and approved.
Secretary to email all board the November minutes and todays minutes
to be reviewed and passed at next meeting in April.
4. Treasurers Report: Justin Smith- see attached treasurers 2013
budget with income and expenses and total revenue for the year- a
loss of funds, however this is not the true amounts as the Craven
check did not come through until Jan 2014. That amount was
$5,414.68. A 2014 proposed budget is also included in the attached
forms. A motion was made by Donna and 2nd by Janelle to approve
these reports- the board voted and agreed to the 2014 budget
Lynda brought up to amend the treasurers budget for 2014 to have
$3,000 for scholarships and the amounts for 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. be
decided on and under the discretion of the scholarship committee.
Justin made the amendment to accept the changes and Ryan seconded
that. The 2014 budget was then passed with the amendments.
5. Board Representative Reports
a. IMASH- (MOU): Cathy Ross- see attached memorandum of
Understanding document* This was created by Craven at no cost the
IMASH states as a doc to discuss the relationships between the states
and the common goal to provide educational opportunities to
slps/audiologists/ speech language hearing scientists at conventions.
Justin motioned to accept and support the MOU and Ryan 2nd that
motion- the board voted in favor and it was passed.
b. President Elect (Convention Update): Sue Torney- it again will be
held in Casper, oct 2-3rd at the Ramada Plaze Riverside. They had the
best rates with no fees for room usage and nicer amenities. Jackson
was far to expensive in comparison. Sue has spoke with Craven and
they together have made many nice contacts for speakers at the
convention in the school, medical and audiology tracts. Several are
already booked and in contracts.
c. Professional at Large: Donna Shippen/Chris Victor- nothing to report
d. Advisory Council: Christiane Dechert

Amy Weaver
e. STAR: Heidi Ferriman- no report- not present
f. CEU Chair: Beverly McEntire- no report- not present
g. CEU Administrator: Diana Seabeck- discussed the fee to change the
administrator into her name. She is working on finishing up training
modules. She wanted to know if there was a disclosure statement with
the presenters that they do not have personal gains and or ties to the
topics of presentation on CEUs. Does Craven already do this?- it was
noted to be believed so. This will be looked further into.
h. Public Awareness Chair: Christiane Dechert- Still continuing a
wonderful job on the website keeping it up to date. She stated changes
can be made very easily and she will add when the board meetings are
on future newsletters and the website. The newsletter is to be
published in January and March. Please provide any information you
would like to add, the deadline to place items/information on the
newsletter are always emailed out to members with adequate time for
i. Honors & Awards Chair: Debbie Crist- no report
j. Licensing Board: Teresa Garcia
Next meeting is scheduled for January 29th- they will be adopting
some word changes to the rules but there will not be any changes to
the rules- no other info to report
k. Scholarship Chair: Lynda Coyle- changes made prior in meeting to
increase amount donated. The committee will review applicants and
choosing winning recipients soon. Incoming students who have been
selected to the program and distance students can apply.
l. State Education Advocacy Leader (SEAL): Laura Nickerson- Per her
conversation with ASHA this is a state president appointed position.
This is in the handbook Laura has accessed and printed for her
reference. The president of WSHA is to send Eileen the person she
chooses, Lindsey is to follow up. This is a 3 year term but often does
not start until October after that SEAL person has time to attend ASHA
convention and learn the specifics to the position. ASHA also provides
this person adequate time to network. Laura is planning on developing
a action plan for WSHA also. It is noted that there is budgeted money
so Laura can attend ASHA.
6. Old Business
a. CSAP report-Lindsay Curran- Ryan and Lindsey attended this.
Discussions were brought up regarding new ideas to spark more
interest in WSHA, the website and membership. One was having 5-10
minute short webiners to watch for new information or longer
presentations for CEUs off the website. It was also discussed that all

Slps/ Auds new to the field get on our website and take a quiz and
pass it, turning in this information and scores to the Wyoming State
Licensing Board before becoming a licensed professional in the state.
More discussions will come the next meeting about these and other
topics from CSAP.
7. New Business
a. Membership Change- Christiane Dechert- * see attached pages of
membership change document* The new memberships are to create
various options for professionals at different times in their careers. Eg;
a lifetime member- with no fee for those over the age of 60. Currently
the age is 55. Christiane did comparative research to others states who
range from 60-62 before lifetime membership. This membership is to
keep those professionals in the field still available to provide their vast
knowledge to others and not lose them due to retirement from working
in the practice.
Another option is a half price membership fee for the first 2 years for
new professionals just starting out in the field, so in turn they get 2
years for the cost of one but we still access them to join WSHA, its a
win win. Christiane expressed her great concern for the low numbers of
members renewing their membership and the low number of slps
joining WSHA directly out of school. What do we have to do to get
these people back in membership? Lynda and Christiane challenged
the to board to take a moment to reach out and encourage other slps
to join via an email.
b. Next Meeting date- April a face to face meeting in Casper to look
over the convention site and have a yearly in person meeting. Time
and date to be determined later.
Sue motioned to adjourn the meeting and Chris 2nd that. It was agreed
upon by the board. Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 pm

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