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Wyoming Speech Language Hearing Association

July 22nd, 2013 Minutes:

Go To Meeting held at 7pm

President, Ryan OConner, called the meeting to order.

Roll was called. The Members present were Janelle Smith, Justin Smith, Lynda
Coyle, Cathy Ross, Chris Victor and Debbie Crist.

There were no additions or deletions to be added to the meeting itinerary.

There were no corrections that needed to be made to the secretarial notes

taken from the Casper board meeting. They were approved as read by the

Justin Smith gave the Treasurers report. Our current WSHA balance is
$55,390. A check of $2,500 was written to IMASH

Justin would be meeting on Wednesday the 24th with an accountant to

discuss the non-profit/exempt status of the organization. He will email
everyone the information received at this meeting.

The new websites PayPal link is still a work in progress.

Justin will speak to Christiane for a follow-up to when it will be up and

functioning and let us all know via email.

The treasurers report was approved as read.

Ryan reported for Christiane regarding the board representative notes: She
will be finishing the linking process with PayPal soon and the next edition of
the newsletter will be coming out soon.

Debbie Crist reported on previous emails nomination she received regarding

friends of the association. Three people were recommended: 1- the outreach
department of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 2- Human Management
Association 3- Amanda Derek a SLP that helps the organization, but is not a
member at this time. She will report

There have not been any nominations for the volunteer of the year. She
asked that the board and members keep her informed if they can think of
someone to nominate.

Ryan will also be sending Debbie the ACE awards names for excessive
numbers of continuing education hours in a 36-month period.

Heidi was not present to discuss STAR

Lynda proposed WSHA again match rooms being purchased for students to
attend IMASH. 3 rooms were suggested for both male and female students to
attend with up to 4 same sex students in a room. The board agreed to this

It was also proposed to pay for students lunch to attend the state luncheon or
half of the 20$ fee. The idea was then porposed for members to be
approached, via a email blast, to sponser a student for 20$ to attend the
luncheon. There will need to be a deadline placed on the email and contact
information for Justin to be added so he may receive the donated fees. If any
extra money above the cost of the luncheons is received, the extra could go
towards students registration fees to attend the conference.

At this time connection was lost on the computers go to meetings program.

Members re-joined via phone or computer and role call again was taken. Justin
and Debbie were lost and never re-joined the meeting. The meeting was
continued with remaining members.

Cathy Ross reported on IMASH. Things are coming together nicely. We are
hoping our WSHA organization breaks even or makes money on this
confernece. Cathy reported there are a lot of nice speakers and presenters
this year.

Again there will be student head to head challenges with one board member
and UW staff on each team. Two teams are again being compiled for this years
minute to win it challenge. Cathy requested volunteers- Ryan and Janelle both
offered to be board members in the challenge. These names will be reported
to the NSLHA president for team compiling.

Ryan will also contact the hotel to disucss particulars for the WSHA board
meeting- eg food, time, number of people in attendance.

Kris Victor joined the meeting late and had nothing to report for her postion.
The new webiste address was given and members were encouraged to look at
it and report any changes to Christiane or Ryan at a later time.

The board was encouraged to think of any new members who could represent
the SEAL position of CEU position and president elect and give those names to

It was proposed the facebook connection information be added to the new


Ryan reported the Wyoming State Licensure Board has budgeted for
their 2015/2016 year they will be donating $2,500 dollars to WSHA.
They would like to give back to our organization.

Eileen Crowe will be presenting at IMASH about support personal. She

was asking the WSHA members if they have any questions/concerns
for her regarding the topic. It was proposed to put the question on the
facebook site, as this social media appears to get good responses. It
was also proposed for Ryan to send a direct email with the question
and a deadline for responses.

Janelle reported on the confusion of a recent members attempt to join

WSHA before the Barbara Kahn conference to receive the discounted
rate and become a member. It was reported there was a long length of
time from her mailing her application and check to the check clearing
and recieveing a email notification that she was a member. She never
received a membership card and did receive 2 months later a
newsletter. Janelle will also follow up with Chrisitane regarding this
specific person and how we can make the process go smoother.

The meeting was adjourned with no further new buisness.

The next board meeting will be held in october at IMASH.

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