Conditionals, Wish Practice T

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Write wishes about these situations.

1. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so sudddenly. I
wish .. .
2. The weather is rainy. I wish it .. .
3. I dont know about the subject. If only . .
4. Its a pity I missed the bus. I wish .. .
5. Im sorry they didnt warn you. I wish they ... .
6. Its a pity I didnt meet John when he was here. I wish .
7. Its a pity our house is so small, I wish ... .
8. The customers are so careless. If only the customers .
9. I was not here when it all happened. If only. .
My boss always gives me different responsibilities. I wish .

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. Mary doesnt have much time. If she .(HAVE) time, she
.(JOIN) a gym.
2. Im not very brave. If I (BE) not so scared, I ..(DO) a
parachute jump.
3. I must admit we lost the game! If we .(PLAY) better, we
..(not LOSE) the game.
4. I didnt know you wanted to come with us! If you (SAY)
you wanted to come, I .(BUY) you a ticket.
5. Unless you .(LEAVE) at once,I (CALL)
the police.
6. If you (FALL), you ..(HURT) yourself.
7. If the machine (STOP), you ..(PRESS) this button.
8. Why didnt you tell me? If you .(TELL) me, I
..(HELP) you.
9. If we .(HAVE) some tools, we .(BE ABLE) to
repair the car, but we havent got any with us.
What bad luck! If Alan ..(not FALL OVER), he
.(WIN) the race.
Its a beautiful house, and I ..(BUY) it if I
.(HAVE) the money, but I cant afford it.
If Claire .(LISTEN) to her mother, she ..(not
MARRY) David in the first place.
Jim is so untidy! If he (BUY) some new clothes, he
(not LOOK) so bad!
Provided you .(LEAVE) now, you.(CATCH)
the train.

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