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Nick Pfeif

Wilson block 2
12 May 2015

Secret Life of Bees Assesment

How do the bees help act as a symbol to teach a lesson or theme?
The bees act as one of the main symbols in the book. When Lily meets
the Boatwrights for the first time she has to adjust to their extremely strict
routine, much like a Beehive. The bees help foreshadow this event.
Additionally, August mentions how Mary is like the queen to them.

How does Lilys view of T-Ray change throughout the book?

In the beginning of the novel, Lily is unaware what true love is, since TRay cannot show any. When Lily gets to the Boatwrights house she soon
realizes how awful of parent T-Ray is and eventually ends up living with the
Boatwrights instead of her abusive father.

How does opportunity present itself when Rosaleen is put in jail?

When Rosaleen is placed in jail she is soon sent to the hospital. When
there, Lily comes and effectively breaks Rosaleen out of the hospital. After
they leave they arrive at the Boatwrights. They would not of been able to
escape T-Ray otherwise and were lucky they had the opportunity.

What are some key diferences between August and May?

Although May and August are sisters they have many differences.
First, May is very susceptible to the pain of others, meaning that she is sad
most of the time. Also, May is a bit quirkier than August. Lastly, August is far
more outgoing than May is, but they both become familiar with Lily.

What are some similarities between August and Rosaleen?

Even though August and Rosaleen did not know each other before Lily
they had much in common. Both acted as a mother figure for Lily since she
never was able to have that role-model. Also, they both adjust to change
very well, while the other sisters had trouble accepting new members to the
family, August was helpful and kind.

What were some obstacles that Rosaleen and Lily faced?

The biggest obstacle that Rosaleen and Lily faced was Racism. In the
south during this time racism was running rampant. We saw this when
Rosaleen was being picked on and then beat up. Additionally, T-Ray acted as
an obstacle because he prohibited Lily from freedom and thus hurt Lily

Do you know of an instance when Rosaleen faced racism?

When Rosaleen and Lily were walking, men began to make fun of
Rosaleen for her race. Angered, Rosaleen poured spit on their shoes. They
ended up calling the police who allowed

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