Hamlet Final

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Natalie Fein

Pd. 3
Act I scene 2 lines
It was a dark gloomy night as Hamlet sat in his room alone grieving over the tragic
death of his father. Angry at the fact that his own mother was now with the killer of
his father, Hamlet plans his revenge. All of a sudden he hears a knock on the door.
Its the new king that killed his father. Why are you still sad Hamlet? The King asks
Im good Hamlet says while trying to hold back his fury. Out from behind the King,
Hamlets mother appears and says, Listen to the King, you know all people will die
its a part of life!, Yeah Im aware pretending like hes okay. Then why are you
still sad about your fathers death? I think its time you get over it. Says the Queen,
Still? I can grieve for however long I want, so just leave me alone. Hamlet is now
getting angrier and angrier at the fact that his very own mother is taking is fathers
death lightly. The king while observing this argument decides then to step in and
defuse the situation, Come here my perfect little Hamlet, I understand why you are
sad and thats totally understandable but death is inevitable and we all know your
father was a good man and taken too
soon. Yeah dont leave the queen adds in last efort to stay close with her son.
Maybe Thank you
for taking what I said into consideration The king then says, knowing deep down
that he was the one
that killed Hamlets father in the first place.

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