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Bettendorf Community School District

Pre-Observation Form
Name: Danielle Breier

School/Administrator: Lisa Stevenson

Date of Pre-Conference: October 8th, 2014

Date/Time of Observation: October 9th, 2014

Grade level/Curriculum Area Observed: 3A, Counseling Lesson

1. Briefly describe the students in this class, including those with special needs.
The students in this class are 3rd grade students and are at varying levels of academic and social development.
2. What are the goals for the lesson? What do you want the students to learn?
The goal for this lesson is to introduce community safety and to practice proper behavior when drills (or actual
emergencies) take place within the school building. The students will learn that during a drill or emergency
situation, all students should maintain a zero level voice, all students should have their eyes on their teacher or
trusted adult, and all students should use active listening. Students will also learn how to perserve if community
safety is threatened through the book "The Ant Hill Disaster". They will use empathy to put themselves in the ants
shoes in order to understand how to perserve if diaster strikes.
3. How do these goals support the Districts curriculum?
All district school counselors align their curriculum to the ASCA National Standards for Students. This lesson will
address standard C: Students will understand safety and survival skills. More specifically, this lesson will address
PS:CI.11 (learning coping skills for managing life events), PS:CI.6 (Identify resource people in the school and
community, and know how to seek their help), PS:C1.2 (Learning about the relationship between rules, laws, safety,
and the protection of rights of the individual).
4. How do you plan to engage students in the content? What will you do? What will the students do?
This lesson will use visual aids (a childrens book) technology, and a hands on activity in order to engage students
in the content. Using the promeathean board, students will view three pictures of children in unsafe situations. They
will then use the dicussion from these pictures to define the words 'safety' and 'unsafe'. Next, a childrens book will
allow for the students to use empathy in order for them to understand how important it is to practice our safety
skills 'just in case'. Also, a game of 'follow the leader' will give the students practice in the event of a drill. The
game will also help students to understand building expectations when a drill or real emergency situation take
5. What difficulties do students typically experience in this area, and how do you plan to anticipate these
When teaching safety to students in third grade, the biggest difficulty a student may experience is trying to
understand the idea that they may at one point be in an 'unsafe' situation. It is hard to approach this topic, as I don't
want to scare students or make them anxious in anway. However, this can be a possibility if the subject is not
approached correctly. In order to anticipate for this, I plan on really using the phrase "just in case" so students
understand this might not happen, but we practice 'just in case' of an unsafe situation. I will also help to address this
by using the book Ant Hill Disaster, which is written by a school counselor who used research based strategies
when writing her book which addressed what students should do if a disaster was ever to occur in their school
6. What instructional materials or other resources, if any, will you use? (Attach sample materials you will be
using in the lesson.)
Promeathean Board in order to provide visual aide to all students
The Ant Hill Disaster - by Julia Cook
7. How do you plan to assess student achievement of the goals? What procedures will you use? (Attach
any tests or performance tasks, with rubrics or scoring guides.)
Towards the end of the counseling theme, I will use a post test or a post unit activity to address student achievement
or goals. I will collaborate with the K-5 counseling team when determining what the assessment will be.
8. What Iowa Teaching Standards/Criteria will be demonstrated in this observation?
Bettendorf Community School District

School Counselor Competencies: II-B-3 (uses student standards, such as ASCA Student Competencies, and district
or state standards, to drive the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program) II-B-3b (Prioritizes
student standards that align with the school's goals)
Teacher comments pertaining to observation setting: List any items you might want to call to the attention of
the administrator.

Bettendorf Community School District

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