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ACU Lesson Plan Template 2013.

rtf Lesson Plan Format

Class: Stage 3


Time: Start:2:00__________________

Key Learning Area

Lesson Topic: Lesson 2- Road Safety

Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
Ss have developed a basic knowledge around the topic of road safety.
Ss have developed a basic understanding of distractions as a pedestrian and passenger.
Ss have developed understanding of safe practices around road safety.
Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the
syllabus reference number AND
write out in full.

Describes safe practices that are
appropriate to a range of
and environments.
English 3N3-2A
Composes, edits and presents
well structured
and coherent texts

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

Behaviors that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s).
Quote syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable.
Curriculum Content Strands may be used as headings.
By the end of this lesson, the students will:

- Identify a safe place to cross the road and its importance

- Appropriate helmet safety and its benefits
- Identifying the importance of always riding your bike away
from busy roads
- Identifying the factors of why it is important to get oout of
the car on the footpath side
- Significance of always buckling your seat belt and its
- How to avoid distractions a passenger and pedestrian

Strategies which will be used to assess
learners attainment of learning
outcomes. Should be linked to each
learning indicator.
Collection of Ss work and work
Teacher will observe and question
students understanding and
participation. Teacher promotes high
levels of thinking and prompts
Teacher questions students
understating through the use of the
reflection ball and uses this as an
informal assessment of student

Next lesson provided students with

constructive feedback on their work
and used that as a stiumlius to being
Any safety issues to be considered:

List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.

Ensure students are moving around the room in a

sensible manner, ensuring students are not
running or moving inappropriately around the
Being sensitive to Ss issues and

Craft equipment
Newspapers/ magazines

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.
Introduction to Rewards system to promote
positive behavior in the classroom Dojo

Points system


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and
what students (Ss) will do.

T arranges ss in a group at the front of the room, ready for a

class discussion.


T shows students images on smart board as a stimulus to

promote discussion

Ss are able to draw upon previous learnt

Discussion: Whats one way you can be safe?

Resources and Organization:

- Bike poser and wheel cards are

placed on the board for display

Ss sit on floor in a class group for


knowledge and understanding in previous

lessons and years and discuss significant
ideas related to their role as a passenger,
pedestrian, and rider.

Ss think about how they might be safe as a:

As a pedestrian, as a passenger , as a rider
And respond with enthusiasm.
Ss are asked to write their ideas on a bicycle shape card.
Once Ss finished Ss share their ideas and T places
Responses on a bike poster that, ss can uses to look back on
throughout the lesson for assistance and reflection.
Throughout the lessons on road safety Ss have the
opportunity to add to the bike poster/ knowledge wall and uses
this tool of reflection or help.


Mixed ability groups/jigsaw method:

Ss look at a range of activities than identify
the importance of road safety.
Each task allows students delve into further
knowledge and understanding of road
safety and its significance to their own

T offered encouragement and feedback to


Ss are placed in mixed ability groups of 6 students, each

students is even a letter (ABCDEF).

Jigsaw method, Ss are organized

into groups of 6 (ABCDEF)

Each task is allocated to a letter, all students with the same

corresponding letter complete that task and then Ss, all come
back to their home group to share their response and findings.
Task A :
Identifying a Safe place to cross
Ss are to logon to
and complete the activity.
After the activity is complete Ss are asked to discuss and think
of roads and streets around their local area that are the safest
place to cross the road.
In groups Ss are to identify some risks and hazards , that you
could be avoided when planning a journey in our local area?
And as a group plan some safe travel routes to your favorite

Paper and pencils.

places. E.g school, park, shops. Home.

Task B:
Helmet Safety
T brings in helmets for students to look at.
Wearing the right gear while riding, skating or scootering helps
keep you safe. This includes correct head gear and clothes
that makes you visible to other road users.
A: Students develop understanding of a
safe place to cross the road and its

B: Ss develop understanding of helment

safety and its importance when riding or

Helmet example
Person/ template cut out

Ss are to in groups discuss and list reasons why it is important

to wear a helmet when riding a bike or scooter. Students are to
identify head gear and clothing that they think help us be safe
and explain why. Ss have the opportunity to use the ipads to
research. Ss are provided a person cut out that they are to
label, draw and identify these specific items and why they are
Task C:
Ride your bike away from busy roads.

C: Ss learn why it is vital to ride away from

busy roads.

Ss logon to and

complete the activity
After the activity is complete Ss are asked to discuss the
- From the activity what safety tips can you apply to your travel
when riding on your bike, list?
- Can you think of a time you would ever need to cross at an
unsafe crossing?
- Who are some other road users? How can you make sure
you respect their rights?
Extension: Plan a safe commonly used route on wheels,
avoiding busy roads and respecting the rights of other road
users. Ss can use ipads etc to help.


Task D:
Get out of the car on the footpath side

D: Ss build knowledge of the significance of

getting out if the car on the footpath side.

Ss are to watch the video on which car door do I use?
After the video , Ss discuss in groups, what is your role and
responsibilities as a passenger in a car?, Does this
responsibility change depending on who else is in the car? .

Poster/ paper

Ss can then create a poster that explains the importance of

getting In and out of the car on the footpath side, and display
this around the school or in the classroom.
Task E:
Always buckle your seat belt/ A re you a safe passenger?
Ss are to watch the video Always buckle your seat belt

E: Ss show understanding why it is

importance of buckling your seat belt.

After the video Ss are to discus and create a brainstorm and

respond to the following questions/ tasks
- What do you do to be a safe passenger on long or short road
trips, illustrate this through a picture.
- Why is it important to wear a seat belt
- What are some consequences of not wearing a seat belt
- Can you list 4 points for wearing a seatbelt correctly?
Task F:
Avoid distractions
Ss are to watch the video Avoid distractions, Stop, Look,
Listen, Think!

F: Ss develop understanding of how to

avoid distractions and importance of using
all senses.

Distractions take many different forms. From talking with

friends, daydreaming or texting. It is important that when near
traffic, to pay attention and be aware. Otherwise you may get


seriously hurt. We use all senses to demonstrate safe

behaviors. As pedestrians we need tp hear what is happening
around us.
Ss discuss the following:
- What senses do we use to cross the road safely?
- What are some of the sounds we should listen for?
What should we be looking for?
- What could happen if one or more of these senses are not
used because you are distracted.
Create a collage that shows what sense we must use when
being safe around the roads.
Transition task:
Ss are to take a picture of their complete work and upoad it
twitter with the hashtag #Year6RS I just learnt


Ss share their tasks they have completed

with each other and reflect on what is learnt.

Ss are then to transition back to their home group to share

their response and findings. (ABCDEF)
Ss listen and respond with enthusiasm,
Reflection ball:
Ss arrange in circle at the front of the room, T tosses ball to
Ss, when Ss catches the ball they are to answer the question
their right thumb lands on. Ss reflect what was learnt and think


about their new learnt knowledge and priorunderstanding.

Ss hand in all work completed to be marked and checked.
T walks around observing and offering discussion starters for

(add further pages as required)

Student Teachers Evaluation (write reflections on the following):

Assessment of Learning Outcomes
To what extent did the learners achieve the intended learning outcomes?

Describe the evidence you have for this.

Outline the follow-up to this lesson for the learners.


Evaluation of Teaching
Identify the teaching strategies / learning experiences that were most effective. Explain why.

Identify the teaching strategies / learning experiences that were least effective. Explain why.

How appropriate was the timing throughout the various sections of the lesson? Why?

Describe how the selection and use of resources supported learning in the lesson.

Identify what motivated the students. Explain why.

Identify the classroom management strategies that were most effective. Explain why.

What was most satisfying about the lesson?

Based on these reflections, outline the steps you should now take to improve your teaching in future lessons.

Colleague teachers comments: (Reference could be made, for example, to planning and preparation,
knowledge of curriculum, organisation, motivation of pupils, strategies used, interaction with students, classroom
management, catering for individual needs, use of resources, etc.)


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