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Part 1—Basic calculations Stress analysis methods for underground pipe lines Elements include pipe movement, anchorage force, lateral soil force, soil friction, soil-pipe interaction Lang Chuan Pong, Mechanical Engineer, AAA Technology and Specialties Co; fnc., Houston Anatvzixe an underground pipe line is quite different from analyzing plant piping. Speciah problems are involved because of the unique characteristics of a pipe line, code requirements and cechniques required in analysis. Elements of analysis include pipe moversent, anchorage force, soil friction, lateral soil fore and soil-pipe interaction, Unique charactoristies. ‘To appreciate pipe code require- rents and visualize problems involved in pipe fine stress analysis, i is necessary to first distinguish a pipe line frora plant piping: Unique chacucteristies of a pipe ine include: © High allowable stress. A pipe line has a rather sunple shape, Te is circular and very ollen runs several mniles before making a tum, ‘Therefore, the streses caleulated see all based on simple static equilibrium Forraulas which are very reliable. Since stresses produced are predictab!=, allowable stress used is considerably higher than that used in plant piping. * High yield strength pipe, To raise the allowable, the first obstacle is yield sirongth. Although « pipe line oper ting beyond yield steength may aot cteate structural integrity problems, it nay cause undesizable excessive deformation and possibility of strain follow up. Therefore, high st line pipe with a very high yield to ultimate strength satio is normally swsed in pipe line construction. Yield strength ia some pipe can be as high as BU percent of ultimate strength. All allowable stressox are based only on yield strength, Circle £6 en Reader Sense Cart ‘ Tligh pressure elongation. Movement of a pipe tine is normally duc to expansion of @ very Tong li temperature difference, Pressure elongation, acgt plant piping, contributes much of the total movement and aust be included in the analysis, © Scil-pipe interaction, The main portion of a pipe line is buried underground. Any pipe movement has © ‘overcome soil force, which can be-divided into two cate- gories: Friction force created from sliding and pressure force resulting feom pushing. The major task of pipe line analysis 15 to investigate soil-pipe interaction —which has ever been a subject in plant piping analysis, Code requirements. Pipe lines normally are designed, constructed, inspected snd operated according to mi mum federal séfecty standards stipulated in Tite 49 of Code of Federal Regulations.*? The standards base for the analysis are ANSL B3L-, “Liquid Petroleam Trans- portation Piping Systems,” and ANST B31.8, “Gas Trans- mission and Distribution Piping Systems." Because it is more economical to ship gas at the lowest temperature possible, the stress problem involved in a gas line is less severe than that in an oi! line, The following discussion will be based mainly on ANSL B314 which is made a part of 43-GFR Part 195, but the philosophy presenied should be applicable to gas pipe lines as well. ‘This section covers only the rules that are pertinent to stress analysis, however, and requitements are revised frequently to reflect results of new developments. Wall thickness. The first step in stress analysis isto caleu- Tate wall thickness required. (‘The diameter of the pipe is generally determined by 2 different discipline of cng! neering.) According to the code, nominal wall thickness of straight. sections of steel pipe shall be equal to or greater than t determined in accordance with the following eqquation: Restrained Moving heer ce L. {8) Above ground piping Movin, Fastainnd |, Ming Pessina Aah ana st ¢ ot teton 7 ge, _ ° = ro 6 {b) Underground piping Fig. t—Rostrainod and moving portions of a pipe line. at Were ‘onave (0) WH langtina prose (0 Withee loogtiaa prentre Fig. 2—Freo expansion of pipe. PD. ES where 1= Nominal wall thickness, inch internal deskyn pressure, psig jomizal outside diameter of pipe, inch E= Weld joint factor (efficiency) 29% of specified minirmam yield strength (SMYS) {for new pipe of known specification, pst sum of allowance for threading, grooving, corrasion and others 2s required, inch. Corrosion allowance is ‘ot required if pipe and components are protected against corrosion in accordance with code require- spent, +4 a) as Equation 1 is well known. What makes it unusual is the definition of ¢. The thickness determined is nominal thicke ress, which Is quite different from minimam thicknos calculated by other piping codes, Subtracting undézthick= ness allowed in the approved specification, remaining aminiroum thickness can be as low as 67.59% of nominal thickness. True allowable stress is then equal to 0.72 SMY3/0.875 = 0.828 SMYS Adding the 10 percent surge allowance, final allowable stress is 90 percent of SM¥S. This allowable stress is considerably higher than allow able stress for plant piping in view of the high yield- ultimate strength ratio of the steel normally used in pipe Tine construction, AP3 Grade X52 pipe, for example, bas an SMYS of 359 MPa (52,000 psi) and a minimum ultimate strength of 455 MPa (66,000 psi}. The true allowable stress is 0.823 SMYS = 295 MPa (42,796 ps which has 2 safety factor of 1.5 based on the ultimate stength, While this factor is much lower than 3.0 or 40 used in plant piping, the high level of safety is well main- tained, Because of sumplicity of the pipe line configuration, the 1.5 factor is a true facior including little uncertainty. Remoteness of pipe line location is also a consideration Expansion and flexibility. Flexibility analysis is the stress analyst's main task. The code classifies a pipe line inio two categories—resirained fines and anzestrained Tines—which conflicts with a widespread misconception that a whole pipe line project is a line and the pipe is always more or less restrained. A pipe line, buried or above ground, has beth fully restrained portions and moving portions. The moving portions, which are equivalent to the code’s unrestrained lines, will generally create significant bending. stresses ‘Ax shown in Fig. 4, in an above ground line restrained portions are always prevented from moving by installing anchors and guides, but ina buried line a large portion fs fully restrained by soil friction only When a fine is pressurized and heated, comers C, 1D and G will start moving. The movement creates a sil {riction force proportional to the length of the moving portion of the pipe. If total friction force developed along the pipe is sufficient to suppress expansion, the movement will stop. Points B, E and F where the movesnent stops are eater virtual anchor points. Non-moving portions AB and EE are catled fully restrained lines. Restrained portions. To prevent movement, a force fy required to bring the pipe from its free expanded © contracted position to the original position. As shown ins Fig. 2(a), in a fully restrained line longitudinal pressure stress is ebsorbed by the anchor or soil friction and does not come into the picture, ‘The figure uses the following symbols: L= Length of a pipe section, inch = Temperature at time of installation, °F ‘Maximum or minimum operating temperature, °Y near coefficfent of thermal expansion, inch finch,’ oF 1 = Poisson’s ratio (0.3 for steel) Sy= Hoop stress due to Auid pressure, psi E= Modulus of elasticity of pipe, psi A= Net free expansion, inch S_ = Longitudinal sures in the pipe, psi Notainal wall thickness of the pipe, ineh, When temperature reaches 72 the pipe section will expand a(Z,~-T,)L, but the hoop tensile stress will make it to shrink »S\L/E. This shrinkage due to hoop tension is similar to the common phenomena seen ip stretching rubber band: when stretched in the longi- tudinal direction, the sidewise dimension will shrink, It steel is stretched one inch in one direction, it'will shrink 03 inch each in both perpendicular directions. This 0.3 callled Poisson's ratio and the shrinkage is commonly referred to as Poisson shrinkage, After subtracting the Poisson shrinkage from the expansion, net expansion becomes, B= a(Ty Ty) L~ VSL /E 2) Longitudinsl stress produced is equivalent to the stress required to squeeze & back to the original position. Since ~ ES/L, then Sy=~ BalT,~ Ts) + Sy (3) Equation § is the same formula as shown: in the cade, except the sign has been reversed so that a minus (-} will mean a compressive stzess, Note that the longitudinal pressure stress is not acting on a fully restrained section. ‘The net longitudinal stress besonies compressive for a moderate increase of T>. ‘The code docs not have a special allowable for longi- tudinal steess. Te requites, however, that combined equivac lent stress shall not exceed 90 percent of pipe SMYS. Fig. 9 shows stress acting on the pipe wall. For the biaxial stresses shown, the code wes maximum shear theory of failuze which says that pipe yields when maxi« num shear reaches shear yield stress, Muximam shear ‘\e85 reas in this case can be easily shown* as ts where 1 is shear stress in the principle axes of the pipe. Since shear yield strese equals one half of tensile yield stress, an equivalent tensile stress defined ax twice maxi um shear stress is used to compate with tensile yiold stress, The equivalent tensile stress is therefore equal to So= 2.0 rane = VO SE BE «) Se is to be limited to 0.9 SMYS. The correct sign should bbe used fo 5, in substituting Equation 5, In cases where direct shear stress is negligible, the absolute sum of hoop stress and compressive longitudinal stress should not exceed the 0.9 SAEYS Sirit. In a restiained pipe line, anchors are frequently seeded to reduce end movement, Because longitudinal stress has been calculated as shown in Equation 3, designers are efter tempted to caleulate anchor load by multiplying 51 with the pipe cross settional area. ‘This is incorrect because pressure end force has been ignored. As shown in Fig. 4, an anchor is installed to limit end snovement of the pipe, The anchor, therefore, separates the restrained portion from the moving portion of the line, Anchor force comes from both sides, longitudinal stress from: the restrained side and pressure force from the moving side, Since Jongitudinal pressure stress equal to 05 Sy, the anchor force can be expressed as FH AWS - 52) or F=A[(05—v) + Bal(T;-7)] (6) where A= =Dé is the cross sectional area of the pipe. Fig, 3~-Siresbos acting on pipe wall Rostgined | Anchor Urea nes Fig. 4--Ancher force, trom anchor installed to init end mova ment &f pipe. Moving portions (Unrastrained lines). For the mov- ing portion of the line, the code groups stresses into two categories: self-limiting stress and sustained stress, Self-limiting stress resulting from thermal expansion and other strains shall be combined in accordance with the following equation: Se= VET ESE a $4 Ms/(2Z) = Torsional shear stress, psi ‘My = Bending moment in plane of meraber, inelb. ‘M, = Bending moment out of plane of iaember, in-2>, ‘My = Torsional moment, inp. In plane stres intensification factox ‘Oui of plane stress intensification factor Z = Section modulus of pipe, in? Bot i and i are to be taken from Fig, 419.64 (c) of the code. The maximum computed expansion stress range Se, without regard for fluid pressure stress, bused on cold modulus of elasticity, shall not exceed the allowable stress i range, 4, where Sq = 0.72. 5M YS of the pipe. Equation ? in fact i a madifed form of Equation 5 by setting $, = 0.0 and ignoring ail direct shear stvesses. Expansion stress, Se, generally is calculated by using 9 computer program. Approximate formulas, tables and charts are also frequently used in estimation of che stress in simple configurations, but they are becoming more and more obsolete Because temperature change in a pipe tine is generally not very high, expansion due to presure {not to be con- fused with pressure stress which is not regarded in expan- sion steess calculation} effect is signifieant and should not ‘oe iguored. Wig. 2(8) shows the pipe expansion including longitudinal pressure effect, When the pipe is heated up to operating temperature, Ts, it expands in every direction, In the iangitudinal direction, thermal expansion fT = 7). Applying longitudinal pressuze, the pipe will expand GSSL/E in longitudinal direetion but shrink. somowiist in disunetrical direetion. Pinally, adding radial pressure (hoop stress), the pipe expands fully in diamesri- cal direction but shrinks Q.85\1./5 in kongitudinal direction due to Poisson effect, Net Iongitudinal expansion, 4, is therefore equal to: AS al Ty — Ty) LF OSS LE ~ OSS L/E Since the strain e = a/L we have: (TT) + 0.25, (ey ‘The caleutated expansion rate, «is in inch per inch unit, and @ proper conversion may be required before being input to a compater program, It should be noted however that some computer programs calculate expansion rate accordance with Equation § automatically, and care should be exercised to prevent a double penal. By comparing Equation 8 with Equation 6 it is clear Urat net expe fon rate is equivalent to strain resulting from a puil by a force having the same magnitade as the anchor force. Anchor force is therefore referred to at potential expansion force in many discussions. For sustained stress, the eode requires that the sum of longitudinal stresses due to pressure, weight and other sustained external loadings shall not exceed 0.5 SAYS. ‘This is undoubtedly very low in view of the high longi- tudinal pressure steess already used. However, this tight restrictien om other Foadings is also one of the justifications for allowing high hoop stress ‘The entire code requirements fellow well planned logic. Some of the logic is apparent and some is not too appar- ent, Therefore a code should be adopted in its entirety. Gross use of different codes generally is not acceptable. About the author Luawo-Cauan Pana i u replaterod mechanical engineer én California ond Texas. He ia currently employed by AAA Technology and Spocialiies, Howton, responsible for fangs fand pressure weasel commute program development. Before joining AAA he worked with Foster-Whevier, Brown & Root, ‘Nuclear Services, Bechtel, Bhior Pioneer and other companien ton denign, coxstruction aid operation of power plants, pipet tines and yrscess plants, He has uthored or coauthored SIMPT.EX, NOPIPE, PIPERUP and many other computer programs, ond an ASMP papor on muclear piping anclysis. He vraduaéed from Taipet lastibute of, Technology i 1860 aud received an BS. is mechanical engineering from Ranaas State University in 1986, Sample calculations. Suppose a crude fine of 20-in diameter is to be designed with an operating pressure of 4,200 psi and an operating temperature of 180° F. It is decided that API SLX Grade X52 cleciric resistance welded pipe will be used for the main postion of the construction. Construction tempetature is expected to be 50°F Table 402.3.1{a) of the code shows the pipe has au SMYS of 52,000 psi and a weld joint factor of 1.0, Therefore: 1. Wall thickness required is £200 x 20.0 SIO x O72 x 52005 = 0:3205 in,, use 0.344 in, +00 ‘The main portion of the pipe requires a nominal wall thickness of 0.544 in, However, a thicker wall pipe is generally required) at station piping and river or react crossings. 2. Hoop stress check sex PP 2 200. 20.0 He Qed) FX (0580.0) 3. Compressive longitudinal stress at the fully restrained portion, Se = 54,983 psi Ea(T,~ Ty) +035) ~ 27.9 X 10" X 65 X 10 (180-50) 4 0.3 1 84883 13,110 psi 4. Equivalent tensile stress at the fully restrained portion Saye BEEF TIO FO. SMYS, no good 47993 psi > 0.9 we the equivalent tensile stress exceeds the allowable of 0.9 SMYS, the design necds t be revised. There axe veveral ways 10 make the design work: a} use stini- testrained construction such as placing ofTzets at regular Jntorvals; b) increase installation temperature by buryiti: pipe at midday or runing hot air through it before back filling; €) increase walt thickness. fn this particule cas: because it is only slightly overstress either b or © can be ured. However, assume that in order to simplify constiye- tion scheduling, it is decided to increase wall thickness 0.375 joch. After recalewlating for 0.375 inch wall, we rave: Sy = 32,000 psi 5, = = 18.975 psi Se= 45,975 pri < 99 SMYS = 46,000 pri, OK. 5. Anchor foree te fully mstrain the fine is F = xDi [028+ Be(Ts~ 7) A116 X 200 x U.37S (0.2 x 32000+ 27.9 x 6.5 (180.50) } = 706,280 los. 6, Thermal expansion rate is ee fT Th) = 6.5 % 10°* (760-50) = BAS 10-tin.fin. = L014 in. /100 ft. pipe 7. Peussure expansion rate will be tp = O.2S/E = 02 X 32000/27.9 x 108 = 2.29 x 10-* in. fin, = 0.279 in. /100 Mt. pipe 8. Total expansion rate is therefore 1H ey = TONE + 0.275 = 1.289 in, /100 fe pipe Port 1 conclusion. From the above presentation the following conclusions can be made: © ‘The wall of 2 pipe fine is very thin compared with plant piping for the same internal pressure. Wall thicke ness calculated by code formula is sulficient to ensure structural integrity of the main line. However, the code forimula inclusies little uncertainty factor, therefore at complicated places such as station piping and river of read crossings, thicker pipe is generally required. | © At lines fully restrained either by soil friction or mechanieal anchors, longitudinal stress will become comm presive for a moderate temperature change of about 55°F for 52,000 SMYS pipe. If longitudinal stress is compressive, it should be added absolutely to hoop pres- sume stress to obeain equivalent tensile stzest. This equiva- lent temile stress, rather than longitudinal stress, should be limited to 0.9 SMYS, # For a temperature rite of about 130° F, equivalent tensile stress will start to govern pipe wall thickness Pipe thickness determined by pressure alone may not be suffi cient, * Although internal pressure will reduce longitudinal compressive stress at the fully restrained section of the Jine, it also increases expansion rate at the unrestrained portion. This pressure elongation is significant, especially in lines with lower temperature raise such as in gas trans: mission lines. © The anchor force required to anchor the fully restrained pipe should be equal to the sum of the force required to resist longitudinal stress at the restrained side plus pressure end force at the unrestrained side. The anchor force can also be called potential expansion force LITERATURE CITED Pan AB, Te A Gee of eal Regt + et 1, ile 4, Code gf Feral Regsitioes, "Minimum Fades! Salete Sheet Bor as Sse 2 > ANSE M4 Ligoid Pauses Tearunnn Divan Sitcom” A iicat Bice hiehantat Bapaten

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