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Celeste E.,Thi T., Natalie N.

March 14, 2013


(Home Owners Loan Corporation)

1. The H.O.L.C helped homeowners who were unable to

pay mortgage payments.
2. The corporation was mainly focused on helping the
unemployed people.
3. The H.O.L.C was a success, but to a certain extent. It
took $200 million to set up and the money for the mortgages
was raised by issuing $2 billion in taxes and exempt bonds.
Not all homeowners could be saved some homes were put
up for foreclosure.
The H.O.L.C used racial discrimination the loan card
specified race and immigrant status records show that forty
four percent of loans were given to mostly white and forty
two percent nature white and foreign for blacks mainly was
given one percent.

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