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Anstine 1

Jack Anstine
Block 6

Is Corporal Punishment Child Abuse?

According to the Department of Childrens Services child abuse is the non-accidental
physical trauma or abuse inflicted by a parent or on a child. Corporal punishment is physical
punishment, and in most states it is legal as long as it does not leave any mark on a child, apart
from temporary redness (Wadhwani). Corporal punishment is harmful to the child, and has been
proven to be ineffective. Children who are disciplined through corporal punishment are more
likely to be an abuser when the have children of their own. The law should more specifically
address child abuse, and it should consider most corporal punishment as child abuse.
A 6-year old boy who lives in Rutherford County, was disciplined by his mothers fiance.
The boy had bruises covering his body, and the child said that his mothers fiance used a belt to
punish him. Once the case was over, no one was arrested or charged. This case raised some
questions, when does corporal punishment cross the line into abuse? When does "tough love"
go too far (Wadhwai)? There is no distinct point that defines what does or doesnt qualify as
child abuse, and because of this, people are getting away with abusing children. If corporal
punishment is used to the extent where a child is covered in bruises, and nobody is charged, then
it is clear that new laws addressing corporal punishment are in order.
Its bad enough that parents are using physical punishment to show their children that
they are doing something wrong. Just to show how completely unnecessary it is, research has
proven that simply teaching children right from wrong is much more effective than punishing

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them when they misbehave. This isnt the only issue with spanking. Corporal punishment can
also cause the child to have negative side effects. An example of this is that some abused
children avoid their parents out of fear (Hughes). Using corporal punishment to show your child
what is wrong is obscene, and it is not what being a parent should look like Instead, parenting is
more like teaching,Parents are a child's first teacher. It is the job of the parent-teacher to tell and
show a child how to behave appropriately, how to talk, how to walk, how to act (Hughes).
Adrian Peterson was put on trial for spanking his child with a tree branch. Many people in
support of corporal punishment believe that punishment is impending and there is no guarantee
that alternatives to physical punishment do not have long lasting behavioral effects as well
(University Wire). However, as previously mentioned, a journalist named Jason Keyser has
countered that argument, and used research to prove that children who are abused are more likely
to become abusers when they are older. Keyser also linked this evidence to the trial and
discovered that Peterson had corporal abuse used against him as a child (Keyser). To put it
simply, using corporal punishment on a child can cause them to become corrupt.
In conclusion, not all corporal punishment needs to be made illegal, but strict laws need
to be set in place to protect children from abuse. Right now many children are being harshly
punished, to an unjust point where they can even be covered with cuts or bruises, and in some
states no charges are being carried out. Corporal abuse is not even an effective method to teach
children right from wrong, and by allowing children to be abused now, we are allowing children
in future generations to be abused as well. There is a distinct difference between a small use of
corporal punishment, and child abuse, and the law needs to draw that line.

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Font and size with citations!

"Corporal Punishment Beneficial, Should Be Parents' Choice." University Wire. 21 Sep. 2014:
n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.

Hughes, Allison. "Spanking Is Passe." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. 24 Sep. 2014: B.7. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.

Keyser, Jason. "Corporal Punishment Widespread, but Declining." Daily Texan. 14 Sep. 2014:
n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.

Wadhwani, Anita. "Threshold of Abuse Is Tricky to Define." Tennessean. 25 May 2014: 1. SIRS
Issues Researcher. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.

Anstine 4




and Ideas


Clear argument
Support uses ethos, logos, and

4 or more credible sources used

Antithesis addressed and refuted

8/10 Matthew - your thesis is great, it is

clear, it discusses a topic that uses Pathos,
and it is a topic where someone could
make an antithesis. How ever it is not a
three prong thesis which makes it weaker.
antithesis is barely touched on
9/10 Camila Aponte - you have great
evidence. And I personally think you
addressed your antithesis just fine :)
9/10 Self grade
/10 final grade from teacher


Effective introduction and hook

Paragraphs are organized around

claim statements

Transitions are used between


Sequence is logical

Conclusion leaves reader with powerful final






10/10 Matthew - The only thing you could

work on is transitions
10/10 Camila Aponte - transitions, but
10/10 Self grade
/10 final grade from teacher

Anstine 5




The writer connects with the audience

through the intriguing focus of the topic,
selection of relevant details, and the use of
natural, engaging language, including the
use of vocabulary.

Five vocabulary words are used

naturally and effectively.

Writing is all in 3rd person .

Quotations are embedded and


0-3 Errors in grammatical structure

typed and double-spaced

Times New Roman; 12 pt.

proper MLA formatting; heading

that includes student name, instructors
name, class, and date

works cited page is included.



10/10 Matthew - uses current events that

grabs the reader and makes him/her
realise how important this topic is
9/10 Camila - try to not be too repetitive
10/10 Self grade
/10 final grade from teacher


10/10 Matthew- used your once which is

second person
7/10 Camila - be careful with your intext
citations. Remember the quotation marks
go before the citation and the period after.
I added a note with a link so you can see
an example with a question mark ending
your quote. Also your citations at the
bottom are a different text and size.
8/10 Self grade
/10 final grade from teacher


10/10 Matthew - couldnt have done it

better myself.
10/10 Camila - Good!
10/10 Self grade
/10 final grade from teacher

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