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ABCs for an FBI Agent

A: The minimum age to apply as a new agent is 23 and maximum is 37.

B: Nearly 18 million background checks are conducted each year through the National
Instant Criminal Background Check System to determine purchase eligibility for firearms
and explosives.
C: In 2003, the artist named Hasan Elahi was so fed up with being interrogated by the
FBI for suspicion of terrorism that he created a website to document his location at all
D: At least a four-year college degree from a state law school or with an accounting
major is required to qualify as an FBI agent.
E: Your expertise determines the kinds of cases you will get; Someone with a
bachelors degree in foreign language gets to work internationally.
F: FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation.

G: In 1910, the federal government passed the Mann Act, expanding the jurisdiction of
the investigation bureau by outlawing the transport of women over state lines for the
purpose of prostitution.
H: There are more than 5,000 samples of human and animal hair in the FBIs training
reference collection.
I: In the 1960s, after parents complained of pornographic language hidden in the song
Louie Louie, a two year investigation ensued.
J: They have their own jargon. For example, the term UNSUB is for unknown subject.

K: The KKK investigation in 1871 led to high prosecution rates along with the
Klansmens trials having juries of mostly blacks without the ability to claim of having an
unfair trial.
L: Due to previous director J. Edgar Hoovers excessive abuse of power, FBI directors
are limited to 10 years in office.
M: The FBI falsely framed four men for a murder in 1965 to protect an informant.

N: The FBI and government are allowed to lie in court for the sake of national
O: The FBI was originally called Bureau of Investigation.

P: A part-time program is offered which allows you to work 16-32 hours a week instead
of the regular 40.
Q: Some people say the FBIs surveillance has turned into spying but not much is
known of what they actually do because all FBI employees keep quiet.
R: Anyone can request a copy of the file that the FBI has of them.

S: As of 2013, there was 13,785 special agents working for the FBI.
T: The FBI has a perfectly constructed town for training purposes in Quantico, Virginia.

U: David Kaczynski, the Unabombers brother, received a $1 Million reward from the
FBI for tipping off authorities of his brothers involvement. After paying off his legal
expenses, he donated most the money to the victims.
V: Due to a campaign of disinformation by the FBI in the 1950s-60s, the majority of
Americans fear every hitchhiker is violent.
W: The FBI website states that more than 2,000 women serve as special agents as of
2014, but they employed a total of 15,560 by 2013.
X: The FBI has X-Files on unusual phenomena.

Y: Yellow tape is used at crime scenes.

Z: There have been zero terrorists working in the FBI as a spy.

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