8 21 14 Church Letter

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Shelby Public School District #14


1010 Oilfield Ave ~ Shelby, MT 59474

Phone: (406) 434-2622 ~ Fax: (406) 434-2959

August 21, 2014

Dear Community Churches,

Shelby Schools is excited to be hosting a community/family centered Open House of our schools. This year we are
planning a K-12th presentation that will introduce our new administration and staff members and inform the parents
and our students about program and schedule changes that are being implemented for the 2014-2015 school year.
Shelby Schools has traditionally recognized every Wednesday as Family Night and will continue to do so, but as we
look at our calendar, the best night to do this would be on the first Wednesday of the month, September 3rd and we
do not want to interfere with the start of the church school programs that are held on Wednesday evenings. We are
hoping that each church would consider delaying the start of their sessions until the following week on September
We also would like to invite you to participate in our Open House. We are asking community groups such as Boy
Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the Booster Club to set up an informational booth to share information about their
organization with the community and would like you to consider joining us that evening to inform families about your
Wednesday programs.
If you are interested in participating in the Open House or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact
Peggy Taylor by phone at 424-8910 Ext. 2302 or through email at peggy.taylor@shelby.k12.mt.us.

Expect the Best!

Elliott Crump, Superintendent

Shelby Public School District #14


Elliott Crump

Melit Flynn
District Clerk

Brian Aklestad
Chairman of the Board

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