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KWL Plus
This graphic organizer is used before-during-after reading. This strategy creates a purposeful reading
event about a set topic. K-W-L is an acronym for (K) what I know, (W) what I want to know, and (L) what I
learned. It is a 3-column organizer worksheet to be used as a study guide. This tool will help students
confirm what they know about a topic and encourage them to think about how they want to focus their
research on.
The purpose of this strategy is overall comprehension of the topic.
Audience: Any grade level, any content and any ability level.
Text: Informational, used mainly for research.
Guidelines for implementation:
Identify the main topic students will read about
Have students brainstorm to activate prior knowledge about the topic
Allow students time to generate a list of what the know or think they know
Inform students that some of the things we think we know about the topic may not be accurate and
we use the text to confirm our understanding
Record students prior knowledge on the K column
Ask, what are you wondering about the topic? record answers in the Wcolumn
Have students read the story
As they read, have students place checkmarks next to any item on the K column that is
confirmed by the reading.
Have students draw a line across any item contradicted by the reading
Students can record answers they discover on the L column
When graphic organizer is complete, create a concept map to categorize the information and to
check comprehension.
Questions in the W column not answered are consider hanging questions that can be used for
future investigation and reading.
Modifications and Accommodations: Teachers can utilize learning symbols for each column: (K) light
bulb, (W) question mark, (L) brain. Students needing extra support can use smaller chunks of text. You can
change to charts heading to match unit questions. Use a sentence frame, sentence starter or a cloze sentence
to assist with language production. Integrate technology. Confirming to extending grid for advanced
Activates background knowledge
Students who may not have any knowledge of topic can listen to their peers ideas and get a
general sense about the topic.
Develops personal interest.
Great tool for students to track their learning.
Excellent tool used to organize information to be used for future writing.
It takes time to complete
Does not work well with fiction material
May become boring for older students

Standards that could be met by using this strategy:

R.1, R.2, R.4, R.6, R.7, R.8, R.9, R.10
SL.1, SL.2, SL.4,
W.2, W.9
Presented by: Evelyn Firman
Date: February 26, 2015

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