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Vocabulary Strategy

Activity: Vocabulary Interviews

Purpose: To help with learning and understanding vocabulary that is
important to a concept or a unit. Helps students review and summarize
learning to help with comprehension and to learn new concepts. Turn
vocabulary learning into a game that is fun!
Audience: This can be used for any grade level! For this I have the grade
level of 3rd grade. Content is Art.
Text: The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt
1. Select key words that the students will need to know from the text you
are reading or vocabulary that is pertinent to know for a unit or theme.
2. Divide teams of students into groups of 2 to 4 students.
3. Give each team one word from the list of vocabulary and give a list of
interview questions.
4. Have students in the groups become the word and answer the
questions on the list and write them down.
5. When finished with the questionnaire the teacher or student acts as the
interviewer and asks each group the questions from the list as the team
reads the answers on their sheet aloud. The rest of the class gets to try
to guess the word when the interview is complete.
Adaptations: I think that if I were to use it in a classroom I would adjust it
so that I write the word they are learning on the board that way they can
visually reference words to assist with ELL learners and SPED.
Strengths/Weakness: This strategy is fun and provokes curiosity and
energy about an activity that can be mundane such as learning vocabulary;
this is a strength. A weakness could be that it could be a little tedious with
the k-1, since they are still learning to the read and write. Also for older kids
this could be a great way to break away from the typical learn this
vocabulary and be tested on it strategy and give them some personal
responsibility for the word which may help them retain it better.
Presented by Katherine Maxwell
RDG 3280
Strategy mini Lesson
Teaching Content Literature


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