088 4career Research

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Career Worksheet 4

1. Name of occupation is: Computer Hardware Engineers
2. Profile description: Research, design, develop, or test computer or computerrelated equipment for commercial, industrial, military, or scientific use. May
supervise the manufacturing and installation of computer or computer-related
equipment and components. Excludes Software Developers, Applications
(15-1132) and Software Developers, Systems Software (15-1133)
3. Name of Career Cluster: Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
4. In terms of education, this career requires Bachelors degree
5. The major (field of study) name and degree/award is (list all if more than one
is available): J Sergeant Reynolds Community College
6. The average starting salary for the highest percentage industry in the state
is: 33%
7. Copy and paste the top 10 largest employers in the region (switch back to
Regional View). At the end of each employer name, key/copy and pasteheard of company or never heard of company to identify your knowledge
of each employer.
Allen Corp of America Inc Heard of company


Fahrenheit Technology Never heard of company

Federal Reserve Bank-Richmond Never heard of company
Hewlett-Packard Never heard of company
IPC Technologies Inc Never heard of company
Integrated Business Systems Never heard of company
Materials Software System Never heard of company
Networking Technologies Never heard of company
Sycom Technologies Inc Never heard of company
Village Bank & Trust Financial Never heard of company

8. Below each heading copy and paste top three Level and Attribute
Descriptions per each Skills and Work Attributes. At the end of each attribute
honest rank yourself 1-5 (1 being lowest and 5 being highest). You may use I
dont know for no more than 5 Attributes.
Oral Comprehension -- The ability to listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words
and sentences.
3 Oral Comprehension

Written Comprehension -- The ability to read and understand

information and ideas presented in writing.

Inductive Reasoning -- The ability to combine pieces of

information to form general rules or conclusions (includes finding
a relationship among seemingly unrelated events).

Basic Skills
Active Listening -- Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being
made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.

5 Active Listening

3 Critical Thinking
2 Reading Comprehension

Critical Thinking -- Using logic and reasoning to

identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative
solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
Reading Comprehension -- Understanding written
sentences and paragraphs in work related

Cross-Functional Skills
Complex Problem Solving -- Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate
options and implement solutions.
3 Complex Problem Solving

Judgment and Decision Making -- Considering the

relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose
the most appropriate one.

Time Management -- Managing one's own time and the

time of others.

Computers and Electronics -- Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer
hardware and software, including applications and programming.
2 Computers and Electronics

Engineering and Technology -- Knowledge of the practical

application of engineering science and technology. This includes

applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the
design and production of various goods and services.

English Language -- Knowledge of the structure and content of

the English language including the meaning and spelling of
words, rules of composition, and grammar.

Work Activities
Interacting With Computers -- Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program,
write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information.
4 Interacting With Computers

Making Decisions and Solving Problems -- Analyzing

information and evaluating results to choose the best
solution and solve problems.

Never had this experience

Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or

Subordinates -- Providing information to supervisors, coworkers, and subordinates by telephone, in written form, email, or in person.

Work Styles
Persistence -- Job requires persistence in the face of obstacles.
4 - Persistence

Attention to Detail -- Job requires being careful about detail and

thorough in completing work tasks.

Initiative -- Job requires a willingness to take on responsibilities and


Write a paragraph below in your own words about your opinion of the career.
Introduction ( is a career that I really like/dislike because a general
statement), three supporting details (may look at salaries, employers, skills and
work attributes, or demand for details), and a conclusion (a statement of whether
you see yourself in this career or not in the future).
The career that I have chosen is not exactly the career I wanted to take, but it close
enough. I chose this career because I build, design, and develop computer-related
equipment or computers if you like to call it that. This job offers an annual salary of
$105,410(33%), easy to get a degree, and great colleges to choose from. I would
most likely not see myself in this career because I wanted to do something else
besides this, but its a start.

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