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Flashnote is a quick notes manager


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Flashnote is a quick notes manager

How often do you need to quickly write something
Whether it's recording a telephone number when the phone book is far away,
saving an URL to reuse, writing a simple TODO list or collecting some
information, there are lots of examples. And just as many solutions: open
Notepad, use a personal information manager, or use some other programs
for creating and saving text. But all those options are slow. Even a PIM is a
"heavy" class program. And before you use it to make rough notes, you must
create a new file or find a place to write without creating a "litter" of files or
damaging important work.

Flashnote is a quick notes manager created for such cases. When you need a rough copy to save or to process
some pieces of a text, Flashnote is small, quick and convenient. Press the shortcut-key combination and a rough
copy is on the screen in a flash of a second. Press ESC and the program hides. It's that simple. You don't need to
find a place for text, to run Notepad or huge heavy PIM. Flashnote is a lightweight notes manager, everything gets
done quickly, simply and in a more convenient way.
Flashnote is NOT a substitute for Notepad or some other text editor. Flashnote is a quick notes manager that can be
used any time during work process and without fear of damaging important data. You'll find it a real help for your
computer work.
Flashnote avaiable in: Arabic, Belarusian, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Farsi, French,
German, Greek, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese(Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Turkish.

Customers Say
Read description from Harold & Candace Brochmann[4/25/2015 4:03:26 PM]

Flashnote is a quick notes manager

As a CEO of a large company, I have been using Flashnote for some time now and I find it absolutely indispensible
for managing all the information which flows across my desk.
A simple "ALT+S" and it literally flashes up on my screen in less than a second -no loading-up delay, no opening
files. It's just there. Often my staff aren't even aware that I have already noted something during a discussion.
I completely endorse and recommend this simple but effective note-taking tool. At the very least try it for a few
hours. I guarantee you'll never remove it again!
Tony Lipschitz (CEO)
Flashnote:- resides in the systray (tiny footprint). Click on it or type Alt+s and instantly you have a notepad-like page
(any colour background and text). Auto saves everything. Faster than launching notepad, sticky notes etc. Excellent
for copy/paste, quick notes, etc. Very fast on slow systems
Like a lot of other people I guess, I use and enjoy "Flashnote" since a long time (well, since the first version I think). I
find it a great idea, and in my opinion the best way -in the freeware market- to save notes and reuse them. In the
general market U do not find such a product, simple, alone -not "attached" and depending to another big one-...
Now, with version 1.5, the sofware entered the sender of professional softwares, those ones you must count with, a
"must have", and not only at home, I use it at work and make a great profit of it. It is very usefull, secure, not rameater allways present when U need it.
Jean-Luc M.J. Antoine (Ph.D., D.Sc., M.Edu.)
Human Geneticist and Bioethicist
Flash Note: Not a Notepad but better and faster!
Tony L.
Flashnote is free software

To support further development of Flashnote please consider making a donation

Get Flashnote
v. 4.5 November 25'2013

Get Portable
v. 4.5 November 25'2013

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