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EmmaRose Carothers and Halle Miller

Period 4

Who Exercises




Character Description:
Our first character is Kim Kardashion. Kim has black straight hair. She is also
very short. Kim contours her face, which is a type of way to put makeup on. This takes
a longer time to do, because it turns out perfect. Kim is known for always dressing to
the T, and for having a lot of money.
Character Development:
Kim Kardashian is Arminian, which she gets from her father, Robert Kardashion. Robert
passed away a few years ago. Kim has been married twice before her husband now,
Kanye West. Her first husband was Damon Thomas, who she married at age twenty.
Her second husband was Chris Humphries, which she married at age 30. Her third,
and hopefully last husband, is Kanye West. She married Kayne at age thirty-three. Kim
has been on her family's reality TV show Keeping up with the Kardashions since it
has aired in 2007.
The character wants to make sure Kanye is okay.
Kim is allied to Kanye. She is not opposed to anyone.
The characters beliefs is that she stays positive because she wants Kanye to get better.
Other characters try to help her, and try to stay positive with her. They love Kim
because she is family.
At the beginning of the musical Kim is not too worried because she thinks kanye just
has a cold but by the end of the musical she is devastated because kanye dies.
Character Analysis:
Kims external traits are she has blackish brown hair, she is very tan, short, brown eyes,
she is curvy.
The internal traits of kim is she is nice to the people that she loves, but is kind of snobby
to the people she doesnt know. She has a big heart.

Character Description:
Our second character is Khloe Kardashion. Khloe is tall, and has long brownish
blondish hair. Khloe also likes to contour her face like her sister kim. Khloe is known
for being sarcastic a lot.
Character Development:
1. Khloe is also arminan which she gets from her father, Robert Kardashion. Khloe
married Lamar Odom only after a month from when they first met. Khloe is very much
in love with Lamar.
2. Khloe wants to be with Lamar and to be happy. She does not achieve this because she
has to let Lamar go even though she loves him.

3. The character is allied to to kim. Khloe wants to make sure Kim is okay and Kanye is
okay as well. She is opposed to Lamar because they are not working out at the time.
4. Khloe believes that Kanye will be alright, and that leaving Lamar will be the right
5. The other characters love Khloe because she is family.
6. Khloe tries to stay positive for Kim because she does not want her to be upset. But
throughout the play Khloe and Lamar split up and she holds everything inside.
Character Analysis:
1. Khloe is tall, she has long hair, and she has tanner skin, and she has a skinnier waist.
2. Khloe is loving and she cares about everyone. She tries to make everyone else happy
before herself.




Character Description:
The next character is Kanye. Kanye plays a big role in the musical. Kanye is
African American, and he is thirty-seven years old. He is a very talented wrapper. He
has black hair and is kind of shorter. Kanye likes to wear a lot of baggy clothing.
Character Development:
Kanyes mother died in 2007 do to heart disease. She died at age 58. This was a very
hard time for him. Kanye has never been married before his present wife, Kim
Kardashion. Kanye has won many awards for the songs he has recorded. Many
people do not like Kanye because he does not always make the right decisions. In
2009, at the VMA awards, Taylor Swift and Beyonce were both nominated for the same
category. Taylor had one. Kanye not thinking Taylor deserved the award went up on
stage and told the audience who should of won the award. His close friend Beyonce.
The character wants to feel better. He takes medicine and rests a lot to try to feel
This character is allied to Kim because she is his wife and he loves her very much.
Kanye is opposed to pretty much the majority of people in the world because he thinks
he is better than everyone.
The character believes that everyone should respect him. He also believes that he is
the best thing since slice bread.
The other characters respect and love him because he is family.
During the show Kanye progressively gets really sick.
Character Development:
The external traits of Kanye is that he is short, African American, has black hair, and
brown hair.
The internal traits of Kanye is that he is rude, and only really thinks about himself.
Character Description:
The next character is Kourtney Kardashion. Kourtney is very short and has long
black hair. She is very tan, which she gets from being armenian. Kourtney has a more




natural look because she does not wear as much makeup as her two sisters, Kim and
Character Development:
Before the events of the play Kourtney and her boyfriend of seven years, Scott Disick,
had two children. Mason is the oldest, and Penelope is the youngest. Kourtney and
Scott fight almost every day. Scott would love to get married, but Kourtney just keeps
holding it off.
The character wants Kim to be happy and for Kanye to be healthy. She stays
supportive for Kim.
Kourtney is allied to Kim. She is opposed to Scott sometimes because they fight.
My character believes that family is everything. She thinks that you should always be
there for your family because you love them and care for them.
The other characters get annoyed with her sometimes because she complains a lot but
they love her anyways.
Kourtney goes from caring about Khloes emotions for Lamar, to caring about Kim and
Character Analysis:
The external traits of this character is that she is very short, tan, has black hair, and
brown eyes.
The internal trait of Kourtney is that she is nice, loving, and really cares about her family.

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