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To Kill A Mocking Bird

Courage is defined as the ability to do something that frightens one and in the book by
Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird portraits courage as a man who is not afraid to do
what is right not even at the risk of his own life and the man who portrays this is Atticus
Finch the father of Jem Finch and Jean Louise (Scout) Finch, Atticus is the ideal
representation of courage because he was willing to represent Tom Robinson at any cost
to show Jem and Scout the right way to treat people and not judge them by the color of
their skin.
Atticus is considered courages due to his character and actions [He] wanted [Jem] to see
what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his
This is the kind of display shows Atticus knows what the real definition of courage is and
wants to make sure his children are well educated about what is right and what is wrong
and he has taught them that treating other people differently due to the color of their skin
it would be an act of cowardice not of courage.
Ms.Dubose portrayed courage in the way that she had an addiction and was dying and
was still determined to break her addiction even though she was going to die it was was
like fighting a losing battle but she chose to fight it any way in the book Atticus stated
that Ms.Dubose was addicted to morphine it is a narcotic drug that relieves pain and even
though she still wound up dying she did defeat her morphine addiction displaying
courage by winning the battle but not the war and even though she went through all this
she still attempted to portray to Jem that this is what courage is to be dedicated to your

cause no matter what.

Jem has one of the second greatest examples of courage in this book but it changes
throughout the entire course of the book and it begins with him not declining a dare from
Dill which is to touch the Radleys front door and from there it gradually increases in
radical scenes of bravery from him Jem eventually made the decision to confront his
father at the courthouse to help prevent Atticus and Tom Robinson from being killed
which is in the book his greatest act of bravery.
Jean Louise (Scout) Finch is also on Jems level of bravery because at the same
courthouse she addresses the mob head on potentially saving Atticus and Tom Robinsons
along side Jem and DIll also an act of bravery is keeping her true character over her years
through Alexandria Finch's constant drilling at her to be a proper lady and to stop trying
to be like Jem and Dill as well as when she keep her temper when every caucasian person
in Maycomb call her father very rude and offensive things.
Finally Arthur (Boo) Radley he is the one with the most courage in the whole book
considering he is put out as the antagonist of the whole book almost the whole time not
only did he risk major jail time but being put in the limelight possibly being one of his
greatest fears seeing as he never leaves his home as well as him being very sickly as
portrayed by his description but he also feared being disliked by the children of the book
he wanted acceptance is what is revealed at the end of the book because he only reveals
himself to Jem, Scout, Atticus, and Heck Tate the sheriff and he gains this because Mr.
Tate the sheriff as he states I never heard that its against the law for a citizen to do his
utmost to prevent a crime from being committed.

All these people did courages things and Harpers Lee To Kill A Mockingbird perfectly
captures the real definition of bravery and that is to do what is right no matter what it is
and at any cost that is the definition of bravery.

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