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Stasis Theory
Joel Silva, Raymond Banuelos, Cristina Martinez

Technical Writing 3359

A sucessfull fnish is referded to as reaching statis, meaning

that the two parties reach agreement regarding the particular
problem or issue.
Fact- What is the issue? What are the facts? What created the problem? Can it be
Defnition-What is the nature of the problem? What kind of problem is it?
Quality-Is it a good or bad thing?How serious is the problem? Who might it afect?
Policy-Should action be taken? What should be done about this problem?

Stasis Theory Process- a process used as an efective

writing process. It is easy and simple yet it could be
difcult when applying the concept correctlly.

Topic- A topic is needed, once the topic is chosen the

writer must remain focus on the particular topic. Concepts
are broken down in to four steps.





Stasis Theory is a dialogue that reaches a consensus of balance in correspondence directing the
individual on how to efectively write a step by step analysis on a topic to explain the equivalence,

evenness and harmony of the subject.

To direct the audience in a calm and poise way to be able to understand the instructions of the

subject matter.
The complexity and length of the Process of Stasis Theory is a process that helps teams work
together and solve problems in a step by step format. Questions help generate continued dialogue to
help reach stasis on four stasis:
o FACT: (e.g.) People need simple instructions on how to put a bike together.
o QUALITY: (e.g.) It has to be important enough not only to the writer but also to the audience
reading the material.
o DEFINITION: (e.g.) Are the instructions bias towards the audience or is it all written for
everybody to understand.
o POLICY: (e.g.) is it agreed upon by all when read that the instructions beneft all who read it.

It is important not to give too much information or too little but the right amount of information in a step
by step task that the reader can carry out the instructions easily without having to refer back to the
Include graphics to show the reader what to do to clarify charts or tables depending on the topic.

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