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By: Amy Cardona & Daniel Uriostegui

Both teenagers and older

adults have a higher risk of
committing suicide!

Suicide in Teens
Teenage years can be emotionally tough and stressful. Teenagers face a lot of
pressure to succeed and to fit in. They may struggle with self-esteem issues,
self-doubt, and feelings of isolation. For some, this leads to suicide. Depression
is also a major risk factor for teen suicide. (Segal, 1999)
Other risk factors for teenage suicide include:

Childhood abuse
Recent traumatic event
Lack of a support network
Hostile social or school environment
Exposure to other teen suicides

(Caruso, 2014)

Suicide in the Elderly

The highest rate of any age group occurs at the age of 65 years and older. The
main reason for this is depression. However, in the elderly its undiagnosed and
untreated. (MacGregor, 2010)
Other risk factors for suicide in the elderly include:

Recent death of a loved one

Physical illness, disability, and pain
Isolation and loneliness
Major life changes, such as retirement
Loss of independence
Loss of sense of purpose

(Caruso, 2014)

Suicide Prevention tip #1: Speak up if youre worried

Ways to start a conversation about suicide:

I have been feeling concerned

Recently, I have noticed

about you lately.

some differences in you and

wondered how you are doing.

I wanted to check in with you

yourself lately.

(Segal, 1999)

because you havent seemed

Questions you can ask:

When did you begin feeling like this?
Did something happen to you that made you start
feeling like this?
What can I do to help you?
Have you thought about getting help?
(Segal, 1999)

What you can say that helps:

You are not alone in this. Im here for


You may not believe it now, but the

way youre feeling right now will

I may not be able to understand

exactly how you feel, but I care about
you and want to help.

When you want to give up, tell

yourself how would it affect the
people around me.

(Segal, 1999)

When talking to a suicidal person

1)Be yourself
3)Be sympathetic, non-judgmental, patient, calm, accepting
4)Offer hope
5)If the person says things like, Im so depressed, I cant go on,
ask the question: Are you having thoughts of suicide?
But dont:
1) Argue with the suicidal person
2)Act shocked, lecture on the value of life, or say that suicide is
3)Promise confidentiality. Refuse to be sworn to secrecy.
4)Offer ways to fix their problems, or give advice, or make them
feel like they have to justify their suicidal feelings.

Suicide prevention tip #2: Respond quickly in a

If you believe someone is trying to commit suicide, call a local crisis center, dial 911, or
take the person to an emergency room. Remove guns, drugs, knives, and any other
objects that may harm the person but do not, under any circumstances, leave a
suicidal person alone. (Segal, 1999)

Suicide Prevention tip #3: Offer help and support

Get professional help

Be proactive
Encourage positive lifestyle changes
Make a safety plan
Remove potential means of suicide
Continue your support over the healing process
and after (Segal, 1999)

Work cited
Caruso, Kevin. "Suicide Causes." ., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
Central for Disease Control and Prevention. Digital image. National Suicide Statistics at a Glance. Central for Disease
Control and Prevention, 16 Dec. 2014. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
Fletcher, Susan. Fletcherphd. Digital image. Helping You Work to the Best of Your Ability. Fletcherphd, 2014. Web. 15 Dec.
Fotolia. Fotolia. Digital image. Emergency Phone 911. Fotolia, 2014. Web. 16 Dec. 2014.
Hamiliton, Paris M. Nursingceu. Digital image. Suicide Prevalence and Prevention. Nursingceu, 2012. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
MacGregor, Elizabeth. "Causes of Depression in the Elderly." Elderly Depression. Montville Counseling Center, 2010. Web.
Dec. 2014
Mandell, Andrew P. Defeat Diabetes Foundation. Digital image. Diverse of Group Teenagers. Defeat Diabetes Foundation, 19
Aug. 2013. Web. 16 Dec. 2014.
Segal, Jeanne. "Suicide Prevention." : How to Help Someone Who Is Suicidal., 1999. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
Shutterstock. Shutterstock. Digital image. Emergency General. Shutterstock, 2014. Web. 16 Dec. 2014.

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