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Lesson plan for Music lesson

Year 5 stage 3 St Charles Ryde. Thursday

Collect students from lines
Mark the role with students, collect notes etc for black bag
Quick brainstorm and discussion of what they did last time in music

Introduce activity. Inform students that they will need to sit with a partner.
Will need to discuss and work out what instruments they can hear. Tell
students that they need to work out what the sound clip is of and what they
are listening to.
Introduction activity play audio to students of Africa perpsetuum jazzle
After listening to the clip discuss with the class about their ideas as to what it
Ask wondering/exploration questions such as
what do you think you were listening to?
Why do you think it was that?
What aspects of the music made you feel that?
What emotions did it make you feel?
After discussing different students answers reveal that it was the sound of a
thunderstorm, ask the students if they think it was a real thunderstorm or a
fake thunderstorm. Let them know it was a fake thunderstorm
Give students a minute or 2 in their pairs to discuss what they think the
music group used to make the sounds of the thunderstorm.
Watch the clip again this time showing the students the audio and visual
performance up on the IWB.

After watching the clips discuss with students how each of the different
sounds were made.
Divide the class into 6 different groups and allocate different roles to the
Group 1 hand rubbers
Group 2 clickers (if they cant click fingers click their tongues)
Group 3 leg patters
Group 4 maracas
Group 5 rain sticks
Group 6 finger patting on drums
1 student to hit the thunder bass drum
Discuss with students the way tempo was used throughout the clip and how
the different sounds were introduced to make it seem more realistic.
Discuss with students the use of dynamics to make the storm seem more
real and how its similar to a real storm.

Discuss the concepts of tempo, pitch and dynamics as a class.

Present to students some short clips of music that they may know.
Ask students with a partner to discuss an aspect of tempo, pitch or dynamics
that they identified in the song.
Have a class discussion where the pairs share what they thought
Repeat this step with some other songs, songs such as, what makes you
beautiful, one direction. Shake it off taylor swift. Nights Aviici. Beat it Michael
Jackson. More taylor swift songs

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