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Artefact 3 I.L.

This piece demonstrates my ability to set goals and plan for success for students with individual learning needs.
1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds Highlighted in yellow
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities - Highlighted in green
1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability - Highlighted in blue

Rileys Individual Learning Plan

General Information
Gender: female
Cultural Background: Iraq
Years in Australia: 1
Family: Father and brother
Housing: rental
Health: Average to poor
Special Need: refugee, PTSD, ESL
SESstatus: Low
Neighbourhood: Challenging
Extra curricular activities: Cultural activities
Attention: Poor
Memory: Poor
Language: Poor
Motor functions: Average
Social cognition: Poor

Level of Ability or difficulty

Riley is able to formulate a
sentence when writing
consisting of three words.

Riley has a negative attitude

towards literacy and has
trouble listening to the teacher
during this time block

Riley is unable to spell basic

words. Riley uses the first and
last sounds of words when

Riley does not yet have the fine

motor skills to write legibly.

Riley is unable to know when

the context requires formal
language and is unable to

Learning outcomes
Riley will be able to form
sentences more than five
words long and that make
Riley will behave in a
respectful manner during
class by listening to
instructions and discussion
during literacy

Riley will be able to

successfully spell the 100
basic words
(coloured/rainbow words)

Riley will be able to write

legibly by writing on the lines
and fully finishing off his
Riley will be able to use
formal and informal language
in the appropriate setting

Basic sentence formula.
ICT game of putting sentences
Reading books
Taking him out of Italian class for
one on one time.

Observation of writing
Discussion and
conversation with Riley.
Legs crossed
Eyes on teacher

The movement of pencils to

demonstrate poor and good

Memory based ICT work on basic

Reading books
One to one personal time working
on spelling and sounding out.
Practicing his letter formations in his
writing, particularly in sentences

Not talking when

someone else is
Pencil movement
Observation of his
Checklist of the words
spelled consistently
right, throughout his
work (5 times in a row)
Completion of basic
writing book.
Observation of work .

Reading books that have both the

formal and informal context.

Discussion with riley.

Observation of

distinguish between when it is

a formal context and when it is
Riley is able to follow simple,
one step instructions.

Riley is able to describe events

or objects using one word

Watching videos on YouTube that

show formal language.

Riley will be able to follow a

three step instruction.

Riley will be able to describe

events and objects using two
or more words.

Role-playing with Riley, different

scenarios and contexts.
Repetition of instructions by Riley

conversation and work.

Observation of Riley.

A print out of the instructions for the Viewing his

activity for Riley to cross off.
instructional sheet
Memory work with ICT.
Readers with descriptive language.
Conversation with Riley.
ICT games that introduce new

Observation of Rileys

Word of the week.

Checklist of Rileys
word a week.

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