Art Integration Unit Plan

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Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

LTC Art for Children
Unit Title & Big Idea: (Define the BIG IDEA?) What is the big idea that is being investigated in this lesson? How will you
connect the big ideas about art and artists work with the art making part of this lesson?
The big idea being investigated in this lesson is travel along with culture being integrated with it. Students will either
imitate an artists techniques from their country or create an art piece that reflects their assigned country.

Grade Level/Class Periods

4th grade
6 class periods spread out with
some time to work at home

Unit Overview/Summary: Why is this important to teach? What do you hope to accomplish?


Today, we live in a world were everything is a click away. We can research and find answers about different people and
World Map, internet access,
places so easily, but that does not mean we understand them. Many students in the United States are limited on their
encyclopedias, a list of countries
exposure to other cultures. Art allows students to deepen their understanding of cultures. Art reflects things that people
and artists from each country.
value and gives onlookers a chance to understand another culture. I hope students can challenge their preconceived ideas
of certain countries and learn knew things.
Key Concepts (3-4)
Essential Questions (3-4) What questions guide the investigation in this
What will students learn and KNOW about art and art making from this
Determine cultural representations in art pieces.
What are the cultural norms of this country?
Compare different art pieces and discuss cultural similarities and differences.
What techniques does this artist use?
Be able to replicate an artists work or create an art piece that represents a
How does this artist reflect the values and beliefs of their country?
Unit Objectives: (Excellent resource at
What learners will DO? List beginning with the student will
*(NOTE: Evidence of the objectives and concepts attained make up your assessment criteria below)
Student will identify themes in art pieces
Students will understand the relationships between the artist/art and the culture
Students will create art pieces related to the culture of their assigned country
Students will create a presentation with the information about their assigned country
Students will be able to discuss with their peers and make connections between different countries
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (
Big Idea 2.A: Demonstrate respect for others personal opinions and ideas.
Big Idea 4.B: Apply time-management and organizational techniques

Core Academic Standards (Common Core State Standards) (3-4)


SS 5 1.6

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

necessary for assignments and/or task completion.
National Core Art Standards (
VA:Cr2.1.4a Explore and invent art-making techniques and approaches.
VA:Re7.2.4a Analyze components in visual imagery that convey messages.
VA:Re8.1.4a Interpret art by referring to contextual information, and analyzing
relevant subject matter, characteristics of form, and use of media.
VA:Cn10.1.4a Create works of art that reflect community cultural traditions.
Content Areas Integrated:
1. Visual Art
2. Social Studies

Lesson Titles in Sequence/Order with TIME and MATERIALS needed for

each portion
1. Class discussion about stereotypes and ideas of different countries -30
minutes; list of countries on smart board, world map
2. Present and discuss list of things needed to be addressed in presentation- 20
3. Assign countries to students- 10 minutes; list of countries
4. Work time- 1 hour; encyclopedias, internet access, notebook
5. Work time (new day)- 2 hours (broken into 2 times throughout the day);
encyclopedias, internet access, notebook
6. Work time (new day)- 2 hours (broken into 2 times throughout the day);
encyclopedias, internet access, notebook
7. Complete first part of research at home if not completed and turn in- time
unknown (students will have a week to complete the first part)
8. Return graded research- 2 days after
9. Revision time- 2 hours; encyclopedias, internet access, notebook, graded

-C. Understanding the concept of place

SS7 1.5, 1.10
-A. Identify, select, use, analyze and create appropriate resources, primary
and secondary, for social science inquiry
SS 5 1.6
-F. Understanding relationships between and among regions

Identify & define common vocabulary/concepts that connect the art form
with the other identified subject area(s):
Relationship: a connection, association, or involvement.
Culture: the customs, lifestyles, and traditions of a particular group.
Fine art: a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic
purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness, specifically, painting,
sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture.
Theme: a unifying or dominant idea, motif, etc., as in a work of art.
Art media: In the arts, a medium is a material used by an artist or designer to
create work.
Brief Lesson Descriptions (2-3 sentences each)
This lesson will tie in the big ideas of travel and culture. Students will be
researching an assigned country and be given a list of research topics they
need to cover. One of these topics will be a pre-approved artist and artwork.
Students will describe the artwork they found, how it ties into the culture of
their country, recreate an artwork, and discuss with the class.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

work; also have weekend to complete

10. Presentations- 1 hour; PowerPoint, smart board
11. Presentations day 2- 1 hour; PowerPoint, smart board

What student prior knowledge will this unit require/draw upon?

This unit will draw upon the prior knowledge that we live in a diverse world with many different cultures and beliefs. Students will also rely on their prior
knowledge of country location.

What activities will you use to engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this unit?
Students will imagine life and culture in different countries around the world. When we discuss as a class, the students will be imagining what life is like in
those countries and what they would see if they traveled there. Students will explore what life is like through looking at different artists pieces and searching
through the internet and books on their country. They will experiment while creating their art pieces.
How will this unit permit/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Students will be able to replicate an art piece by their artist, use the same techniques as that artist, or create an art piece that represents their country. They have
the opportunity to use multiple research techniques. One student may learn more about the country and culture by creating the art piece while others may learn
better just reading about the country.
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning/learning processes?
Throughout this lesson, students will be asked to reflect on their understanding of their country. They will be asked to make connections between themselves
and the country they are researching. Discussion will be a part of the beginning and ending of this lesson. We will begin with a list of the countries and talk
about misconceptions and stereotypes of each country. At the end of all the presentations we will discuss students changes in thinking and challenges to their
previously held ideas. Students will also make connections between the different countries presented.

How will this unit engage students in assessing their own work?
What opportunities will you allow your students to display, describe, or evidence their learning?
(Describe what student success looks like and what evidence you have that learning has taken place). You should include formative and summative
Students will have to give a presentation on their country. They will have a list of information about their country that they need to cover in their presentation.
They will need to bring in their art pieces to show to the classroom. Students will be able to assess their own understanding in the ending discussion.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
Before their presentation, students will turn in the information they gathered on their country to be checked with the teacher. Students will be given back their
graded work and allowed to revise any mistakes. They will also check their artist with the teacher to make sure it is an acceptable artist.

What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning/understanding/work in this unit?
All students will give a presentation on their country to the class using a PowerPoint. They will also bring in their artwork they created to share with the class.
In the class discussion at the end of the lesson, students will be able to share their connections and understanding when talking with their peers.
How will you adapt the various aspects of this lesson to differently-abled students?
Students who are English Second Learners (ESL) will have the ability to search information about their country in their first language by changing language
settings on the computer. Also, for students who finish early, they can always add information to their presentation. This information could be about the country
itself or the art in that country. They could research multiple artists and compare and contrast the artists of the same country and show how they represent the

TEACHER REFLECTION: How will you know that this lesson is successful and meaningful? List indicators.
If there is a lengthy discussion at the end of the presentations and students make meaningful connections, I will know this lesson was successful. It is one thing
for students to ramble off facts, but it means more if the class can discuss what they learned from the other presentations. This lesson will also be successful if
students are respectful of each other and listen to each presenter.
Students will be able to find connections between culture and art techniques/ qualities.
Students will experiment with different art techniques.
Students will explore themes in art pieces.
Students will create meaningful art pieces.
Students will compare and contrast different countries/cultures based on art pieces.
Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

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