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The 21st century skills area is very broad, but I believe that I improved and showed
mastery in every single 21st century skill. I was able to think critically with EQs that we did almost
daily and by posing new questions in socratic seminars. I wrote multiple informative essays; showing
off my skills in information literacy. I demonstrated my collaboration skills with both socratic seminars
and my ability to work with my classmates in a R&J production. Every day I came to class ready to
learn with my work completed, showing mastery in self direction. Lastly, I improved greatly with
invention by making multiple narrative pieces in which I had to invent a character or something else.
For all the reasons stated above, I believe I deserve an A in 21st Century Skills. I greatly
improved in all five of the aspects of this category.
Goals: The area I would like to improve the most in is invention. All the other categories were
mastered by the end of the year. I still have trouble creating unreal things in my mind and trying to
make others feel like they are real. Therefore, my goal for next year is to create characters and plots
that are both interesting and believable even though they may not be.

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