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Name_________________________________ Division________________ Date___________________

Richard Edwards Elementary

6th grade Language Arts-Summative task rubric
Students will: create an essay in which they answer the question; How does the setting in the story help the reader
understand the positive influence the vacant lot had in the community? How does this setting unite the characters?
Students will state a claim, and use relevant evidence from the text to support their claim as well as explanations and
connections between quotes used and relationships to claim.
Max iii. Gives detailed justification of opinions and ideas with a range of examples, and thorough explanations; uses
Scor accurate terminology
Student provides a very clear claim.





Includes at least 2 quotes from the text, very relevant to claim made and explanations of how those quotes relate
to claim are fluent and effortless. Student provides concise and clear explanation to how those quotes relate to
claim made.

Student includes extremely clear conclusion that gives the reader a sense of completeness and leaves a final
impression on the reader.

iii. Sufficiently justifies opinions & ideas with examples & explanations; uses accurate terminology

Student provides a mostly clear claim.

Includes 3 quotes from the text, relevant to claim made and explanations of how those quotes relate to claim are
mostly fluent. Student provides mostly clear explanation to how those quotes relate to claim made.

Student includes clear and mostly detailed conclusion but fails to provide a sense of completeness.

iii. Justifies opinions & ideas with some examples & explanations, though this may not be consistent; uses some

Student provides a claim; claim might be unclear.

Includes 2 quotes from the text, somewhat relevant to claim made and explanations of how those quotes relate
to claim are present although can be a bit confusing or incomplete

Conclusion is included but is not successful in bringing the essay together in a clear way.

iii Rarely justifies opinions & ideas with examples or explanations; uses little or no terminology

Student provides weak claim which can seem very confusing or none at all.

Quotes not relevant to claim made and/or explanations of how those quotes relate to claim is unclear or not
elaborated with explanations.

Students conclusion is irrelevant, confusing, or not included at all.

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors; no work turned in.

Criterion B
Max Score


Year 1 Goal score: 8-10

The work is consistently well organized, clear and coherent and ideas being expressed build on
each other in an effective manner.
Thesis is complete and very clear.
All quotes used are very effective for the thesis given. Organized clearly and in order.
Student successfully uses topic sentences and paragraphs to organize his/her ideas in a
logical way.
The work is usually well organized, clear and coherent and the ideas being expressed build on
each other.
Most quotes used are strong for the explanation given. For the most part organized
clearly and in order.
Student mostly uses topic sentences and paragraphs to organize his/her ideas in a logical
way (most of the time).


The work shows beginnings of organization but lacks coherence.

The connections and quotes are attempted but the organization is basic.
Student attempts to use topic sentences paragraphs to organize his/her ideas but not
placed in much of an order.


The work lacks coherence

The connections and quotes are attempted but incomplete/ unrelated to the thesis but the
organization is basic.
Student does not include paragraphs.


No work turned in

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