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Standard Descriptors Addressed


Annotation one.

1.2.1 Demonstrate
knowledge and
understanding of
research into how
students learn and
the implications for

Food Chains
Lesson Plan

Varied learning experiences demonstrate my understanding of learner diversity.

For example, the kinaesthetic-dramatic activity allowed students to engage more
creatively with the content and provided them with a concrete-contextualised
representation of how a food chain works and the effects of removing a part from
one (1.2.1, 2.1.1, 2.2.1). Also, Students were required to create/draw their own
food chain, demonstrating a creative assessment/learning activity, as well as
engaging those students who preferred creative tasks over writing tasks. (1.2.1,
3.2.1, 3.3.1).

1.3.1 Demonstrate
knowledge of
teaching strategies
that are responsive
to the learning
strengths and needs
of students from
diverse linguistic,
cultural, religious
and socioeconomic

2.1.1 Demonstrate
knowledge and
understanding of
the concepts,
substance and
structure of the
content and
teaching strategies
of the teaching
3.3.1 Include a
range of teaching
strategies in
4.2.1 Demonstrate
the capacity to
organise classroom
activities and
provide clear

Knowing my students, their backgrounds and academic achievement levels,

meant I needed to differentiate this lesson to cater to all the students. This was
achieved using enabling and extending prompts. I also focused on language
development throughout, to cater for several students with EAL/D backgrounds,
demonstrated in the reflection part of the lesson (1.3.1). Throughout the lesson I
regularly referred to technical language, such as decomposer, producer, etc.
The lesson contained several transitions to complete activities, therefore explicit
instructions were imperative, particularly when giving directions regarding
behaviour, movement and activities (4.2.1)

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