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Graded English Language Supplementary Books

Developed by the Tamil Nadu Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for

Government Schools of Tamil Nadu

Books in this series are

Created by Government school teachers
Tailored for beginners and emergent readers
Designed to impart reading skills
Aimed at motivating students to develop their language skills
through an enjoyable reading experience
attractive pictures
interesting story
minimum text
graded vocabulary and sentence structure


Tenali Raman and the Pot

There are very few books in English accessible or affordable to beginning or emergent readers and hence this series by
the SSA, Tamil Nadu for the students who are just beginning to read English.
The books are intended to give opportunities to such readers to develop independent English reading and language skills.
The colourful pictures, familiar contexts and easily understandable stories should motivate children to read the books.
The graded series is in 4 levels
Level 1: These books with a basic vocabulary will familiarise beginners with the English language and script.
Level 2: These books with a limited vocabulary will motivate beginners with minimum reading skills.
Level 3 is for readers who are confident about the sounds of the language. Simple words and repetitive patterns help build
confidence in reading.
Level 4 is meant for readers who can follow a story and are familiar with the basic patterns of simple English sentences.
The levels refer to the students individual reading level and not the class of study.
Concept/story: Teachers of Tamil Nadu Government Schools
Artwork: S. Muralidharan
Edited by: Uma Raman and Sumathi Sudhakar
Designed & typeset by: Trinity Designers & Typesetters
2009, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Tamil Nadu


next door

mU cstf

T e n a l i R a m a n had a lot
o f g u e s t s f o r dinner.
H e we n t t o h i s friend
next door.
C a n yo u g i v e me a big pot for
c o o k i n g ? M y p ot is very small,
he said.

T h e f r i e n d g a ve him a big pot.

R a m a n w a s h a ppy.

A f t e r t w o d a ys, he went
to his friend.
H e g a v e h i m t he pot.
I n s i d e i t w a s a smaller pot.

I g a v e yo u o n ly one pot,
s a i d t h e f r i e n d.
Y o u r p o t h a d a baby. You
c a n k e e p t h e baby pot too,
said Raman.
H i s f r i e n d w a s very happy.

L a t e r , R a m a n had more guests.

H e we n t n e x t door for the pot



T h i s t i m e h e d id not give
back the pot.
T h e f r i e n d a s ked him,
W h e r e i s m y pot?
R a m a n s a i d , Your pot died!


T h e f r i e n d w a s angry.
H o w c a n a p o t die? he asked.



R a m a n s a i d , I f a pot can
h a v e a b a b y , i t can also die.


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