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Unit 41: News Production for


Unit 36: Interview Techniques

Pre-Production Booklet for Radio News Show

Name:Jessica-Megan Collins

Order of contents

Mind Maps
Purpose of Interview
Topic and Guest Research
Interview Details
Question Formulation
Interview Style
Structural Progression of Interview
Location Recce
Identifying Show Format
Order of Show Content
Relevance of Content
Type of Stories
Sound Table
Risk Assessment

Complete this booklet for YOUR interview guest ONLY

Once all people in your production team have completed this
booklet combine all of them to make ONE larger booklet.
You both must upload the complete booklet.

Mind Maps
Insert Mind Maps here

Purpose of Interview:
What is the purpose of this interview?
The interview with the head teachers purpose would be to inform
those at Henley college and Henley the schemes that they have put
in place to help those affected by the Nepal earthquake, and
express what it means to the college to help those in need.
The interview with the councilor would be to give true help and
advice as to what can help during this stressful time of year, with
exams. It also helps to hear from someone professional about this,
and who have dealt with exam stresses and they know what would
help those affected.
The interviews within the community of Henley, gives the audience
some feeling as to what local residents think towards that of the
regatta, how it affects them, as well as gaining so knowledge on
how it affects people. We would also go talk to some of the rowers
participating, which would give the audience an insight into what it
feels like to compete in a competition like that, and what it means to
those taking part it just informs them of what going on outside of
the college.
The interview with the organizer of enrichment, this just informs and
involves the college students what is going on throughout the
college and what would be available to them. It helps the students
to understand why there is enrichment, how it works and what it can
offer the students.

Circle which of the following formats it will be;

Local Community News Program
National News Bulletin
Local News Bulletin
Community News Bulletin

Add research demonstrating the format of this interview

Firstly I would link it to that of a local radio due to the fact it is in a

specific area, that being Henley on Thames. So news would be
related to that area, for example we will ask the principle of the
college in Henley what they are doing to help Nepal, so very specific
to a place. Then there is a story about the future event of the
Regatta, which demonstrates that again it is based in a local place.
So the news they broadcast would only generally affect those in that
place or surrounding towns.
Another format would be the way that the news is delivered to the
audience, for this I would look at radio stations such as Radio BBC 1,
this is due to the fact that their news with serious events is dealt
seriously, calmly, and on the other hand when looking at other
stories such as, in our news report, the regatta or George Clooneys
new house would be dealt in a more relaxed way like the presenters
are having a conversation.
The last format would be that of radio 4, due to wanting to research
in the extensive manner that radio 4 does. And be able to provide
the audience with all the information they need on the topics we
have included.

Topic and Guest Research

You need to carry out EXTENSIVE research on your topic and guest.
You need to demonstrate why you have used your guest for this
topic. You need to reference where you found your research.
(Referencing is KEY)
Interviewee: Kathryn Caulfield
Research of topic: Exam Stress and George Clooneys new
Key Facts:
Exam stress
.Healthy diet
.Support is always there, councillors, teachers, and parents
.20 minutes of work and then 20 minutes rest
.8 to 10 hours of sleep a night
.Exercise is good to help brain activity and break down
.Child line conducted an questionnaire on pre-exam stress, it said
that over 96% of the 1300 who did it, said they were anxious about
up and coming exams.
.As well as 64% saying they had never received help with any exam
.Due to exam stress a 3rd of people have attempted to take their
lives by the age of 16
.The government have dedicated of 22 million to childrens mental
wellbeing in the last few years
.Waits for exam stress help, can be up to 6 months with the nhs.
.The pressure can have very fatal consequences
.Tina Dzikl is a prime example, she commited suicide from an
overdose last year.
George Clooneys new home
.American star marries British sweetheart, in a luxury 4 day
.bought a home in Berkshire
.he is now making renovations

.Adding a pool and home cinema

.George Clooney as also added security fences and gates to make
sure that the couple have their privacy
. the gardens of this house will be landscaped and will have flower
beds running along it

Potential areas of interest:

Exam stress
Management of exam stress
Stastics of exam stress
What a counselor does and can do
Suicide rating
George Clonneys New home
His new marriage
Where he is moving too
Information on the house
When he will move there
Why he has he moved there
Areas of concern:
Exam Stress
Handle suicide stories and exam stress carefully as it can be seen as
a sensitive subject.

Research of Guest
Primary Research: (Interviews with guest to find out what they
know; interviews with friends of guest to find out about guest) Insert
voice recordings /notes
I will be interviewing through email a college tutor that would work
alongside counselors and pupils to make sure they handle this time
of year well.

What in your words is a counselors job description?

they are trained to people with peoples problems
How many people in your experience of being a tutor, have used the
college counseling service and have come back with positive
I recognizes that it has been positive.
As a tutor how important do you feel the counselling service within
college is? And why? essential part of the student services.
How closely would you say a college tutor and the college counselor
work alongside to provide united help? Each case is different
Secondary Research: (Internet /books)
A councilor is someone that can help dealing with stressful times,
and they are there to give a sympathetic hand with those dealing
with a difficult time.
This shows that during this time of year stress can affect all people
within the educational cycle, due to the exams looming.
When looking online as well I discovered that actually quite a large
number of universities and colleges offer counseling.
counselors are people that are there to explore feelings and
emotions with a patient and to look at better ways of feeling with
those emotions, they are not to offer advice, but work alongside
that of a patient to work out a better alternative to what they are
doing. So when applying that to exam stress they can work with the
student to see how to deal with their nerves how to create a better
work space so that they are healthier and better throughout their

So what a councilor can offer would be that of talking the student

through the nerves and emotions they feel towards the looming
exams the can work with them to create a successful exam revision

Interviewees Name: Kathyrn Cauldfield

Date and Time of interview:
How will you record the interview?
I will record all interviews on a recorder.

What information do you need to get from this interview?

Exam Stress
. How to manage it
. Statistics on exam stresses
. What the college counsellor can offer them
Describe how you are planning on contacting and liaising with your
talent (interviewee)
I will email the councilor, before hand and conform a time in which I
could talk to her about the sort of material needed within the
I think this time of year is a very important and busy time of year,
and exam stress can affect a large amount of people especially in
the environment we are in so, I think both the counselor and me the
student feel that this rather an important matter, that actually it
effects hundreds of people so this would be an important within the
radio show to make sure college students are aware.

How will you make sure unnecessary sounds etc are not recorded?
One we would try and get most interviews in a quiet location for
example, may be in a room during lesson time, with the door shut
so the amount of noise would be minimum, so that we can hear all
of what they say clearly and it is affective. We would also try and
keep the recording device close to the person speaking so if there is
noise their voice would over power it.

What equipment will you need to carry out this interview?

I will be using a recorder to capture this interview. It is an Olympus
digital voice recorder, which I shall place on the table in the middle
of both me and the interviewee to make sure that both our voices.

Structuring your interview: Scripts and

Question Formulation
You have been the head of student services for some time now, how would you
describe your job?

Likely Response:
My job, is to provide the students here with the necessary support to help them
throughout their studies.

Next Question:
With being the head of student services you have put many things in place for the
students, what can you offer the students here at Henley College?

Likely Response:
We offer many different things, like help with transport and careers advice. But at this
time of year the thing we try to offer most is the support through exam times and
thatll include our counselling service as that is very important to students

Question: when refereeing the counselling service that you have made accessible
to all students at college what sort of things do you or one of the counselors here at
college work on within the students when referred to you for exam stress?
Likely Response:
Well every case is completely different.
We look at their lifestyles and how they could make time, for healthy revision.
We look at all different things and it very particular on the person.

Next Question:
Since you have been here at Henley college or from previous experience, is exam
stress a common problem within college?

Likely Response:
Its a very common problem, think that it is a big transition from GCSE and to college
and it can get too much especially when the pressure is upped by exams.

If someone was suffering from exam stress right now, what advice would you give
them? And why?

Interview Style
Likely Response:
help informal and chatty,
What will your interview style be?Seek
intense, questioning, argumentative,
friendly, jokey)
Eat properly
When dealing with the exam stress story I think this needs to be set
out in more of a formal manner due to the severity of the topic. As it
Revise in
an all-nighter.
can affect a lot of people
it isand
and shed some light
on the matter. But it can be dealt in a friendly manner, so that
people feel like they could come and talk to say the college
counselor about their issues. This is
Next Question:

you chosen
that style?
So have
this College
is rather huge,
just to confirm where could students find you or gain
We have chosen theses styles due to the severity of the subject but
the would
college?like the radio show to be conducted
on help
the from
rather friendly at the same time. The first style would be formal,
throughout the whole radio show we will be dealing with stories
such as Nepal and Exam stress, which need to be informative to the
audience and make sure that you deal with the stories with
sensitivity due to the fact that Likely
have died in both stories and
the main
it can affect a lot ofDenefield
But onbehind
the other
I feel that
stress story
to and
be ifconducted
as a me I
But on the
you can
find my
the student email
friendly chat to make the counselor and those at college seem as
can and
help them
the support
supportive as possible,
seem they
For example I think a local radio similar to this would be a prime
example due to the fact that they would be conducting news that is
personal to that area as well as worldwide, but in a formal manner
but at the same time would be seen as friendly in the fact that they
would have conversations within the news report about it all, so on
the more lighter subjects there would be more of
conversation and discussion.
Obvious exam stress is a big issue in colleges and school, could you illiterate why is
it important for students to seek help if they feel they are struggling?

Another example would be that of BBC Radio 1, as this would be

conducted in the same way as their news. When looking at
examples, they would bring formal updates on important stories, to
inform but briefly and not into Likely
detail as their main purpose
is more
than that
I think its important because it can affect people in some
many different
the news. for example
having someone there to support and guide you through out that time could be
for the style in which I would conduct, I feel I would want my
It can
interview in the helpful
same and
As within
it has
hasin lots
questions, and when listening to this it feels like a conversation, so
when Kanye would say something it would have the interviewer
adding little comments, its a bit more two wayed than others are, in
the sense that actually instead of just questions, there are
comments throughout the interview. whereas this is radio 1

newsbeat, it is informative, adding information on the election and

then celebrities, its not so solid like radio 4 could be seen as, as it
includes music, and at some points language isnt necessarily
formal well almost and it just doesnt seem as detailed or heavy.
I think another thing about Radio1 is that throughout any show, the
presenters constantly talk and discuss, like the audience are
witnessing a conversation.
I think our radio show would also take some shine in comparison to
that of Radio 4 in that we would try to inform the audience largely
on events, including statistic, interviews, live on scene etc. we
would like the radio show to be relaxed and light but at the same
time including that amount of information rather than radio 1 which
is a bit too brief. I have chosen this radio channel because we would
like to be as informative as this channel, in giving the audience all
the information they need. When comparing the channels you see
that radio 4 supplies the audience with every little detail including
things to back up information for example audio clips and
information, whereas radio 1 is slightly vaguer due to the fact that it
isnt meant to be specific news channel.

Add research of other interviews/news shows where the presenter has a

similar style. You can insert another page here for your research.

Define the structural progression of

Interview One
eg introduction, leading questions, progressive questions,
Progressive questions
What questions will you ask and when

This time of year is a seen as a stressful period for all schools and
colleges, as exam time is upon us all. We spoke to the head of
counselling here at Henley College.

You have been the head of student services for some time now, how
would you describe your job?
With being the head of student services you have put many things in
place for the students, what can you offer the students here at Henley
Since you have been here at Henley College or from previous experience,
is exam stress a common problem within college?
when refereeing the counselling service that you have made accessible to
all students at college what sort of things do you or one of the counselors
here at college work on within the students when referred to you for exam
Obvious exam stress is a big issue in colleges and school, could you
illiterate why is it important for students to seek help if they feel they are
If someone was suffering from exam stress right now, what advice would
you give them? And why?
So this College is rather huge, just to confirm where could students find
you or gain help from you within the college?

Thank you for your time, Kathryn.

Exam stress affects a large amount of students not only within the UK but
within the whole world. Child line conducted an questionnaire on preexam stress, it said that over 96% of the 1300 who did it, said they were
anxious about up and coming exams.
As well as 64% saying they had never received help with any exam
But sadly due to exam stress a 3rd of people have attempted to take their
lives by the age of 16. On the up side of the government have but 22
million back into child welfare to support them with emotion trails, such
as exam stress.

Location Recce


Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw)

Type of room/area:
Class room
Location Address:
Henley college
Denefield Avenue
Sat Nav details (Post
code): RG9 1UH
Nearest Train Station:
Henley Train station
Nearest Bus stop:
Hart street

Lighting Information:


Sound Information:
The interview would be during
lesson time to make sure that there
would be no added noise from
within in the college, and I would
make sure that the recording device
is near both of us so that picks up
both of our responses well.


Power Information
I am using my phone as the
recording device

I would make sure that the phone is
fully charged and ready to record.

There would be no hazards as we
would just be in a room.

Solutions: n/a

Identifying Show Format

What style of news broadcast are you going to produce and
Formal, in the fact that it will be informative and straight
forward with important information especially within that of
the human interest stories as they are dealing with very
drastic and concerning matters but at the same time we feel
it still needs to be friendly especially within the interview
with the councilor due to the fact that students need to feel
that they could approach and talk to them. Ultimately we
feel that being a local radio needs to be slightly more
informal as it is a bit more involved within one sector. Local
community radio, would be an overall style due to the fact
that we are in college and this would highlight key things
that are going on and around college.
I feel that if the radio show was friendlier, it would collect
the key points of local community radio, due to the fact that
it would be appealing to the audience such as college
students, by talking about what they would like to hear it
and how they would want to hear it.

How are you going to ensure your broadcast meets this

Making sure that we inform the audience of the information
that is need, but making sure that they are also a bit more
chatty and open on the more unimportant stories. With the
local community new radio, we would include news that
would be important to those within the area and would
affect those within the college sector. As well as places and
communities around the college due to the fact that college
students and teachers travel for lots of different locations.
The fact that our broadcasts will be detailed to things that
are current to the target audience of the radio and that is
people within Henley and mainly the students.

Provide some examples of similar styles of news broadcasts

below explaining why you have chosen them
Local radio:
Because they would broadcast thing specific to an area, and
are slightly more inform to that of a public radio like radio 1.

Radio 1:
Because it is informal but formal at the same time. It creates
the idea like its friendly and we want the radio show
especially for certain topics to be approachable.
Radio 4:
I have chosen this radio channel because we would like to be
as informative as this channel, in giving the audience all the
information they need. When comparing the channels you
see that radio 4 supplies the audience with every little detail
including things to back up information for example audio
clips and information, whereas radio 1 is slightly vaguer due
to the fact that it isnt meant to be specific news channel.

Order of Content
Why is it important to consider the order in which news is
It so that the radio show flows well, and isnt too hard to
digest for the audience.

What is the order of content for your show?

Exam Stress

George Clooneys

Man raising money

Why have you decided to order your show in this way?

Within the order you could clearly see that it moves from
Most important, least important, for example Nepal is a
serious matter has thousands die and hundreds were injured
and then it moves on to the non-serious matters. I think that
with creates an easier follow within the radio broadcast as I
creates a sense of progression in that it slowly lightens up.
Human to public interest is one way that the news show
could be seen as progressing. Human stories start with that
of the Nepal earthquake as thousands died and it seen a
serious matter, and it something that the public would want
know about, whereas the George Clooney story would be
seen as public interest as he is seen in the publics eye and
its not serious but the public would want to know about it.

Relevance of Content

Who is the target audience of your news broadcast?

So as a local community radio this would be specific to a
certain area, for us the radio would specific to Henley, so
people of Henley may want to listen due to the some of the
new being about what is going on within Henley. The other
target audience would be students within the college as
this radio would be mainly college based for example some
of our more serious stories like the exam stress is based
around college and how students should deal with the
pressures of exam time, so it is informative to a big part of
When putting a radio in a local setting, it automatically puts
those in that area as the target audience, and we have
included stories that those in the local area would enjoy for
example the regatta and the fact that George Clooney is

moving nearer to Henley. But then with the radio being a

local community radio, it makes more of the stories more
specific, so for example we talk about the enrichment
programme, which is something very specific to the college
and the students.

How is the content of your news broadcast relevant to its

All stories are relevant to the audience in one sense or
another. As this is a local community radio it would be very
specific to the stories it broadcast and makes sure that it is
relevant to their audience. So for example when doing the
exam stress story it involves the students at the college and
makes it very particular to them as we will be interviewing
the college counsellor about how they have dealt and will
deal with exam stress with the college, so it is make the
audience aware of what they offer and how they can gain
this help.

How will you ensure your target audiences interests/needs

are met?
Make sure the information they need to know is shared
within the radio show, and that the radio shares all events
going on or anything that might apply to the students or
those living in Henley. So for example, when talking to the
college counsellor I will ask what they can offer and help
that they could give as well as telling them where and how
they can get the help, so it covers all ground so that they
know to deal with exam stress, whether thats with the
advice given over the radio show, or how to contact the
college counsellor.
I think the way that they deliver the news is important, due
to the fact that if the radio show is friendly especially
involving that of the exam stress story, because then the
audience would feel able to talk to those at the college,
which would be in the best interest of the audience.

Type of Stories
What types of stories are you reporting? Human interest or
Public interest
Show research of similar types of stories below including
Both Human and Public Interest will be within the radio news
broadcast, as it covers a large amount of relevant stories, and it
For example this is a public interest as it is about someone that the
public may be interested, especially within our location due to the
closeness to the actor home to be. Another example could be that of
the coverage of the elections, as this will provoke that of the
publics interest as this within the uk is a big issue in who our next
prime minister will be and due to certain parties they will affect all
This would be a key example of a Human interest story due to the
fact that it involves a deaths of hundreds, and this story would
provoke an emotional response within the person, as well as the fact
that it doesnt necessarily affect them as much as public interest
stories would.

Show research of similar types of stories below including


Sound Table
Here you should detail what station sounds you have found
and where you will use them.






At the
start of







Risk Assessment
State the potential risk of your multi-camera production. Check all precautions are in place and tick off during your set up for your show.




Recording in the studio

Wires and objects possibly

blocking way.

Make sure that you clear a safe exit and

make sure that those there are safe when
leaving and coming in.

On the

Walking to the studio

Making sure to not slip or fall

On the

Tables in the room, as it

quite cramped.

Making sure none trips over

the tables.

Making sure I check the weather before

we go and make sure everyone is wearing
sensible shoes.
Make sure that everyone is careful



Please leave this section blank:

Risk Assessment checked by: Name ..

Activity :
Hazard :




On the

Signed .

Describe the component part of your pursuit.

List the things you anticipate might cause harm or the things associated with your activity that have the potential to
cause harm. Consider the likely harm.
Assess the risk as either H (High), M (Medium) or L (Low). When concluding your assessment consider all of the
Precautions: Consider what you could do to minimise / negate the risk.
In Place:
Will the precautionary measures be in place at the time of the activity?
Review Date: When would it be reasonable to review your assessment? Remember it might be whilst you are undertaking the


Name of the person responsible for completing the risk assessment.

A copy of this form should be taken on the activity or visit by the Reviewer

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