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Appendix E: Post-Intervention Interview Guide for ESL students & Post-Intervention Interview

Guide for ESL Instructor

Post-Intervention Interview Guide for ESL students

How do you feel about classroom community?

Do you think your class has a sense of classroom community?
How do you feel about the interventions/activities that we did in the last few weeks?
What are the strengths and challenges that you think you have in doing interactive
activities? (You may refer to your journal to answer this question.)
5. How do you feel about the instructors support in the activities?

Post-Intervention Interview Guide for ESL Instructor

1. What is your role in supporting the form of classroom community in your class?
2. What are the current needs for the form of classroom community at ELA, and more
specifically in your class? What can be done about these needs?
3. What are the current strengths and challenges of the form of classroom community in
your class?
4. What kinds of support that you receive from the school, ELA to facilitate the form of
classroom community?
5. What kinds of activities that you believe to be useful to the form of classroom
community? Can you provide some examples?

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