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Chapter 6 test

The Age of Jefferson.

Multiple Choice; Choose the best answer that fits the question
1. Who did the Republicans nominate for president?
A. John Adams
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. William Clark
D. Washington Irving
2. Who was elected president in 1801?
A. Thomas Jefferson
B. John Marshall
C. Albert Gallatin
D. Meriwether Lewis
3. What did Jefferson and Gallatin do to reduce the national debt?
A. They raised taxes
B. They went to war
C. They made everyone work of the debt in other countries
D. They cut down the army by and reduced the navy to 7 ships
instead of 25 ships
4. What act was passed in 1801?
A. Everyone had to move south in order to sell crops
B. The president had to have meetings with every leader of the U.S
C. Increased the number of federal judges
D. Decreased the number of crops you could sell a year
5. What were the Midnight Men?
A. Jeffersons spies
B. Men that Adams made appointments for until midnight
C. Jeffersons enemies
D. Men who went on expeditions to explore the west
6. Today nearly 3 million people work for the federal government, about how
many people were there working in the federal government in 1801?
A. About 20,000
B. About 10
C. About 1,000
D. About 300
7. Where did Lewis and Clark explore on their expedition?

A. The South
B. The East
C. The North
D. The West
8. Who did Lewis and Clark come across on their expedition?
A. Adams hiding in the forest
B. Spanish trespassers
C. Sacagawea
D. James Fenimore Cooper
9. Instead of European influences, what did American writers start to use?
A. Color and pictures in their books
B. Setting and characters
C. Inserted famous poetry into their stories
D. Made up fiction animals
10. What were the classes in the North
A. Poor, Rich and Richest
B. Farmers, business men, tax collectors
C. 1,2,3
D. High, Middle, Bottom

Matching; Match the word with the definition

1. Judicial Review
2. Conestoga Wagons
3. Secede

A. To leave or withdraw
B. People do as they please
C. loyalty to a nation

4. Laissez-faire

D. Large landowner

5. Nationalism

E. American author

6. Planters

F. Our nations capital

7. Washington D.C

G. sturdy vehicle topped with white

8. Washington Irving

H. The right of Supreme Court

to determine if a
law violates the constitution

9. St. Louis

I. Land that Jefferson bought to

extend the U.S

10. Louisiana Territory

J. The start of Lewis and Clarks


True Or False; Write a T for True or F for False

Jefferson bought The Louisiana Purchase to extend the U.S.
People didnt want to move to Washington D.C because it was too
Lewis and Clark kept a journal of their voyage to make notes on what they
saw and did.
The expedition West took place because very little was known about the
West of Mississippi.
Zebulon Pike was a slave of Jeffersons.
In July 1804, Burr and Hamilton traveled across America on an expedition.
Schools were provided in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.
Slavery was banned before Jefferson was elected president.
In the early years of the republic, people in the North tended to cluster in
villages and towns.
Many enslaved people never saw a farm or plantation.

Short Answer;
1. If you were in Thomas Jeffersons situation, would you have done the same
thing to reduce national debt? Explain your answer.

2. Why were Lewis and Clark sent on an expedition? Why did sacagawea join

3. If the Federalists were to win the election of Adams as president and Charles
Pinckney as vice president, would the federalists bring back monarchy?

4. Why was Jefferson and congress interested in the Expedition West?

5. When Zebulon Pike led his expeditions, what did he come to find and what was
it known as then and what is it known as today?

6. Why were the Federalists planning to secede? What for?

7. What was the purpose of the duel against Burr and Hamilton? Who won the

8. What did people sell or exchange in the North? What was the Norths major
economic activity?

9. What was the major difference in the North and South economic activity? Who
were the Souths economic and social leaders?

10. Why did the gap between richer and poorer city residents widen in the
Northern cities?

Essay Question;
What is your opinion on Jefferson's actions during his term as president? Would
you have done anything different? If yes, explain what and why, give at least two
examples on what you would do differently. If no, explain why and what
Jeffersons actions have done to influence the U.S.A today.

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