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Gracie Ross

Hela hour 2
26 February, 2015

The Impact of Technology

Technology exists in the students daily routine, everywhere. This has caused an increase
of tablets and mobile devices in a classroom. Technology is a wonderful thing, impacting the
tutelage of students in a positive way. Technology enhances, and betters the learning in a
classroom. It also positively affects the grades and test efficient scores, of students everywhere.
Technology makes learning more enjoyable and is a superb element to have in a classroom.
78% of K-12 teachers and administrators believe technology has positively impacted the
classroom and productivity of students. (Lytle)
Technology makes students more eager to learn. It also makes them more engrossed on
the task at hand. When students are given more choice in their tasks, those tasks are more
meaningful and increase motivation. (OHara) Technology makes even that dull drill work a
little livelier. Mobile devices and computers provide students with a fun learning environment.
(Bhaskark) This is because, when technology is incorporated into classroom instruction, students
are going to have fun. When they are at home, they are playing video games, using iPads, and
texting their friends. So incorporating it will make learning more enjoyable for everyone, like in
the political cartoon. (See figure 1)

Figure 1

Technology allows students to communicate worldwide. Education is no longer just

about learning and memorizing facts and figures; its about collaborating with others, solving
complex problems, developing different forms of communication and leadership skills.
(Huneycutt) Technology does not limit students to the sources inside of their school. It permits
them to learn about faraway places, and to get information from real people across the world.
Globalization allows them to get information from other countries. In addition to the internet,
technology in a classroom, also bring news and information about current events to people all
over the globe. Technology also helps prepares students for the future. By transitioning from
print to digital textbooks, schools are already on the path toward preparing their students for
prosperous futures. (Klaus)
Schools without technology lack a significant amount of learning opportunities. Not
every school has the budget to send students on a field trip correlated to the course of study. In
this case, students education can suffer. But thanks to technology, students can use the internet to
virtually attend web seminars and other educational institutions. (McCoy) If a school library is
out dated or lacking selection, it might be hard for a student to write an essay, and technology
will help. It allows students to have video conferencing with bemused schools, and gives them
the option to take online courses. This will better the education of students everywhere.

Overall, Technology makes students more eager to learn, because it is more interesting
than getting all of the information from an insipid textbook. It also helps the students focus, and
enables them to work at their own pace, prepare for the future by developing 21st century skills,
and learn critical thinking. Some negatives could be that students and teachers abuse the use of
technology, and use it for non-school related activities. However, the pros outweigh the cons.
Technology enhances, and betters the learning in a classroom. It also positively affects the
grades and test efficient scores, of students everywhere. Technology makes learning more
enjoyable and is an superb factor to have in a classroom.

Works Cited:
Bish, Rya. "Summer 2014 Kids and Summer." 31 July 2014. Web. <>.
Hunneycutt, Timothy. "Technology in the Classroom." 8 Oct. 2013. Web. <>.
\Klaus, Julia. "Negative Effect of Technology." Web. <>.
Leys, Rayn. "Education and Tehology." 1 Jan. 2013. Web. <>.
Lytle, Ryan. "Study: Emerging Technology Has Positiveimpact in Classroom." 14 July 2011. Web.
McCoy, William. "5 Positive Effects of Technology on Education." Web.
Nhasark, Santosh. "Impact of Technology In Elementary Classrooms." 29 Sept. 2013. Web.
O'Hara, Susan. "What Is the IMpact of Technology Learning?" 30 Apr. 2014.
Web. 26 Feb. 2015. <>.

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