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Manifesto of Clarity Revisiting Goals Leslie M.

Armstrong WIPRO Urban STEM May 2015



What is the context of my domain? I

work within the domain of Chicago Public
Schools at a sub address called Laura S.
Ward STEM Elementary School. I and
my colleagues are working to become
more than just a plot on Map Quest, but
are striving to more than just to be STEM in name only. Of course STEM is an acronym
that stands for Science Technology Engineering and Math, but without a dream and the
desire to manifest; the meaning is unsubstantiated.
Explorers such as Matthew Perry and Mae Jemison were willing to face uncertainty
because the goal had much more precedence. Leaders such as Malala Yousafzai and
Rodrigo Baggio expose the tragedy of varied levels oppression and actively address
and defy inequity. One unifying characteristic that ties these individuals together and
correlates to the this manifesto is the idea to cause change.
The MSU experience provided numerous resources to develop this idea of communal
change that begins with the actions of one individual. Rocking The Boat, authored by
Deborah Myerson sets the bullet for the first goal of this manifesto. I must utilize a
varied approach in attempts to make a revolution without firing a bullet. The change
may be gradual, intermittent, or sudden. Working within uncertainty means that
preparedness is the key. I must continue to set up scheduled surveys to assess,
teacher, student, parental and administrative needs. Moving beyond the goal of
providing first aid to address their needs; the data will be used to identify individuals that
have skills and pedagogy that will move us forward; especially in the process of
advancement in meaningful application of technology. This data will support the
process of tailoring how best to communicate with individuals. Communication opens
the door to collaboration.
The former sentence sets the tone for the second goal of this manifesto; striving to
build collaborative communities. The best source of forming collaborative teams is
birthed from the practice of gathered data and providing deliberate opportunities for all

Manifesto of Clarity Revisiting Goals Leslie M. Armstrong WIPRO Urban STEM May 2015

entities to interact. Recently I presented a professional development entitled Creative

Lesson Planning. During this session, I noticed that the artifacts of groups that
contained teachers from varied grade bands were more creative and innovative. I also
provided the opportunity for these individuals to utilize the creative lesson process to
initiate collaborative session to create a lesson. The format for preparation would be an
open Google doc. My role was as a soft facilitator. The collaborative pairs are still in
the beginning stages, but persistent communication either digital or traditional has kept
these sessions going.
Embedded within the idea of creative lesson planning is the third goal my manifesto.
Working within the domain of CPS at a subdomain called LWES, there are certain
mandates and edicts that must be adhered to. Coining this as a deluge of dictates
would be simplistic; because structures provide focus and testing results channel the
components of future planning. Within this deluge comes a solution of combining
instrumental and missional thinking with traditional and innovative teaching. In working
with teachers, we have identified all mandated structures that align with the notion of
instrumental thinking and utilize the tenants of instrumental thinking to elevate our
traditional instructional process to breakthroughs in creativity and innovation. I have
learned that this process is best supported when strategically scheduled.
Looking back at the first manifesto, the goals have become clearer and attainable. Developing
as a leader is the direct result of forming relationships. Relationships flourish from clear and
consistent communication. The goals of my manifesto should guide the process and progress
of my endeavors. Trepidation and effectuating change should not be hindrances, but serve as
an eternal flame of collective progress.

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