Talking About Art

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Jorrie Vrba


3-4 A




Answer the three questions below, in a 100 word paragraph in the space provided. Watch the Guernica 3D video and look at
the painting Guernica on the class website to help answer these questions. Save this to your Z: drive or Google drive, print it
out and place into the correct class basket for grading.

What details in the painting catch your attention?

What questions of curiosity are sparked by the painting?

What conclusions can you make that are based on information in the painting?

Answer questions here

The details in the painting that catch my attention is the lanterin. This lanterin is old and remninds me of this tv show i
used to watch. They used these kind of lanterins in the show Revolution. The power goes out and they only have candle
lanterins for light. Anthoner thing in this painting that catched my attention was in the left side of the painting looks like a
bull. It reminds me of the time when I went to go see a bull fight with my family. Also the time I went to the chicago bulls
game, and that it supports my city in basketball. Some questions I have about this painting is why are the people look
very bending? I think it is to express their feelings but i am not very sure. Also another question is why are all the people
and animals on top of each other or combined? With the painting like that it kind of confusses me. My last question in this
painting is why are the humans don't really look like humans? They mostly look like creatures to me. Some conclusions I
have based on the information on this painting is that the artist wanted to express the feeling these people had during this
time. he wanted people to know by looking at this that people were struggling during this time and wanted to show the
hardtimes people were going through.

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Digital Pathways Art

Talking About Art

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