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Leveling Hair

Joseph Dickerson & Luke
Engineering Design and
Anderson Career and Technology

The idea for the Razel S180 came about when my partner and I realized our
shared interest in our sideburns and neck line being straight and even.
However, a shared interest is not a fly off the shelves product. Therefore, we
created a survey to decide whether our idea was worth pursuing. The survey
showed us people have the same thoughts as ourselves and our idea was
worth pursuing. We immediately began discussing ideas and finally agreed to
incorporate a level vial into the electric razor.

Table of contents:








Throughout this course my partner and I will learn how to use the design
process to determine which one of our ideas will be the most beneficial to
people. In order to know whether our product will benefit people we must
create a survey. Once our idea has been chosen and we know there is a want
for our product we will have to determine how to build our idea into a
product. However, my partner and I have a time constraint and a money
constraint. For this project we had a hundred dollar spending limit. Another
constraint was that we only had around five weeks to complete the entire
prototype and documentation. Next, my partner and I decide what kind of
test will be required to determine whether our prototype is a success or a
failure. After that, we perform the test and document all the testing data.

When deciding whether to pursue our idea or not my partner and I
researched many online blogs and online forums. My partner and I also
thought to look up any existing solutions so we know what to add to ours to
make ours better and more desirable. There were not any existing solutions
Sideburns and lines being uneven after a haircut or after shaving is a
common problem within guys and even girls as well. Evidence of this
problem is represented in many blogs or forums online. Some of the blogs
and responses are listed below.
How do you trim sideburns. Specifically the bottom edge. How does one line
up the razor to make the bottom edge correct. I either get one that is angled
to the front too much or the back. What metric does one use to line up ones
I went to work with plenty of slanty Shatner-esque sideburns. The worst is
when you realize it's too slanted, so you fix it, then realize it's shorter than
the other side. So you go to shorten that side, and make it crooked. Wash,
repeat, then weep.
Straight Sideburns. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2015, from

Survey Questions/Results:


Phillips Norelco Razor


Donated Level Vials


Super glue


Hot glue/gun


Hand saw


Electric sander


Came up with multiple problems that needed to be solved

Created a decision matrix on problem to solve (Refer to page 11 in the


Found ideal problem

Brainstormed how to fix the problem

Created a decision matrix on the product to the solution

Transferred idea of product to words on paper

Created a problem statement (Refer to page 9 in the Appendix)

Background research

Created a justification survey as shown previously in background

Need for product was justified from survey results

After it become a justifiable problem, we searched for existing solutions

No existing solutions existed

Made team norms

Created a Gantt chart to keep us on track (Refer to page 11 in

We then went to the drawing board

We created sketches of what we wanted to accomplish (Refer to page 9

in Appendix)

Dimensions of an electric razor were taken

Dimensions were used to make CAD sketches (Refer to page 10 in


Researched best razors to use

Made a formal order form for our razor


Searched for mini level vials

Failure of finding mini vials

Attempted to create mini level vial

Also a failure

Redrew designs

Had level vials donated

Found best way to attach level vials

Sanded the side of the razor down

Measured a level surface

Put the level on the razor with hot glue (Refer to page 14 in Appendix)

Let level become set in place

Tested on Lukes sideburns (Refer to page 13 in Appendix)

Documented products passing results (Refer to page 13 in Appendix)

Discussed questionable issues

Added two more level vials to razor for personal use

Let them become set

Tested on self in mirror

Documented products passing results

Began more test on other subjects

Took pictures and documented all results

Created a display board to showcase our successful product

Presented at a senior showcase

Our product yielded fantastic results. The hardest step was to get it from an
idea to a reality. The next challenge was to create a mini level vial which was
a failure. After that, we redesigned our product and added two additional
levels. If we had more time, we would add something that would suck up
excess hair as it was cut. The Razel S180 was great and could go great
places. We could patent it and sell the idea for a large sum of money or we
could produce them at a wide spread rate on our own.

By completing this class, my partner and I have obtained great knowledge
and understanding of the design process. Joseph and I have also learned how
to document and research certain items very thoroughly to receive our
wanted output. Another thing this class has helped me and my partner to
understand is how to maintain our time accordingly. My partner and I really
enjoyed the hands on work we were able to do in this class. Combining the
skills learned in the previous years of PLTW (Project Lead the Way) and this
class, me and my partner were able to research, generate an idea, build a
prototype, test the prototype, revise problems with the prototype, and finally
present our final prototype at the senior showcase.



CAD Designs


Decision Matrix

Gantt Chart


Test Data

Testing/Testing Results


Final Product


DESIGN & VISUAL COMMUNICATION. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from
Straight Sideburns. (n.d.). Retrieved May 13, 2015, from


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